Chapter 6

Shiromiya entered the room. His steps were straight to the chair and, without thinking, he took the sponge to remove the excess makeup.

Once again, the night had been a success. It was simply amazing that he could make money by simply fanning the fantasy of men. He heard the sighs of the audience and, watching them, noticed passionate glances. Who knew that he, a street prostitute without a family or base, could arouse such passion.

The hand lifted but did not get to wipe the white powder. He faced himself, for the first time, truly. He never thought of his beauty as a blessing but as an evil burden. However, at that moment, he thanked the heavens for the perfect face. Out of the corner of his eye, he visualized the futon and smiled knowing that there were several yen notes he had been collecting since its debut.

Mamoru showed up every morning after the performance. He gave him not only money but also the gifts he had won from fans. I already had some necklaces and also earrings. Others sent him flowers (What the fuck would he do with flowers? Flowers wouldn't guarantee his future!), And perfumes. He gave flowers to women and used perfumes without caring too much about the odor. However, jewelry and money were his beloved treasure, on which he was putting all his hope for better days.

One day, older, he would no longer dance. And then he would have enough to buy his own home and, perhaps, even open a business. Otherwise, he could live only modestly, but with dignity. Shiro couldn't wait to go into his own home and disappear. Only, eventually, receive visits from your beloved Aiko-san.

A crash at the door took him out of lethargy. He stared at the solid wood, surprised by the noise. Since Shin Sakamoto caught the embrace exchanged between the pimp and him, Mamoru did not come after the introductions to congratulate him. He preferred to show up the next day when they could have breakfast together and gossip last night.

He got up. He imagined he could be one of the women to tell him something. Maybe a fight? Or maybe a new proposal (only Kami-sama knew how many he had heard in the past few months) for a private meeting. However, when opening the door, he came across Ryo's round face, Aiko's friend who had come to see him earlier in the year.

He recognized him at once since the man had bumped into him and been excessively rude when he pushed him away months ago. He knew that women hated him as much as Shin, but that they agreed to serve him because the man was extremely generous with lovers, and money was never something to refuse.

"What do you want, sir?" He asked nervously.

He felt Ryo's two firm hands holding his arm. The merchant's eyes were fixed on his, there was emotion there, even suppressed tears.

"It's not the voice I imagined" Ryo whispered. "But, by God, your face is exactly like in my dreams."

When Shiro heard the door close, he realized that the man had pushed him back and that they were both alone. Since the fateful day with Shin, he had not been subjected to anyone else, and he thanked the heavens for that. However, the mere suggestion that terror returned to his bed, distressed him. He tried to pull away, but Ryo pressed him hard.

"Don't struggle, my love " the sound of his voice was warm.

"Leave me! " begged. " Aiko-san does not allow anyone to enter my room!"

"Listen " Ryo started to force him down, towards the futon. "You needn't fear me," he said. "I love you," he said, without blinking. " I love you since I was a child, I have been looking for you for years and, when the day dawns, I will make you my wife.

Shiro's eyes widened.

"You are crazy?"

"Crazy about you," he agreed. "My beautiful sakura[20], I have always been and will always be the most devoted and faithful man to you.

Kazue wanted to scream, but at the same moment, his mouth was taken by the men. Ryo was young and handsome, yet it caused him the same disgust he felt every time he was forced to let men touch him. However, this time, he was not obliged to accept that. Gathering all his strength, he managed to push the intruder. As soon as the man fell behind, he screamed and tried to run.

However, already on the ground, Ryo grabbed his shin. The young man fell off balance and smashed to the floor. Still screaming, he tried to crawl to the door, but the other was much more determined, and in seconds, Shiromiya felt his lying down, face-up, and Ryo's entire body on top of him.

"Please," he begged. "Leave me alone! " asked.

"Do not Cry, my love." The voice reached him low as if Ryo intended to calm him down. "You need not fear me, I already said that I will make you an honorable woman, mother of my children."

Only then did Shiromiya realize that Ryo thought he was a woman. Suddenly, he remembered the wig and the makeup. When Ryo's fingers started to slide on his thighs, he stepped forward.

"I'm not the one who thinks. My name is ... " His words were interrupted by a new kiss.

He fought again. He wanted to scream, but the man's hot tongue entered his mouth, almost choking him. He tried to kick, but Ryo was too stiff, too firm. Then the man's nimble fingers left his thigh and touched the middle of his legs.

The kiss ceased instantly. Ryo stood up, looking at him with a pale, stunned stance. Then, both his hands held the kimono and he pulled it so hard that the front part was torn.

"Where are your breasts?" The voice asked, still disbelieving, as his eyes looked at the thin chest.

Shiromiya opened his mouth to explain himself, but the hatred he saw in Ryo's eyes silenced him. Then he saw him, helpless, pulling up his chyme, revealing the small organ surrounded by short and few by blacks.

"Where is she?" Ryo asked, taking his hand to the wig and pulling it hard.

Realizing that the other was losing control, Shiro again tried to break free. However, he was hit by a punch. The surprise was initially greater than the pain. Turning his eyes to his attacker, he raised his hands, trying to protect the only asset he had.

"Give me back! " another punch. "Give my wife back now!"

He tried to hold the other's hands, but he was much thinner and weaker. So he just protected himself, trying to prevent the punches from hitting the face that guaranteed his livelihood.

Laconically, he remembered the many beatings he received on the street. The men he slept with complained that he was too cold in sex. Then, they returned their icy attitude with punches and kicks. Each beating received was rewarded with hunger. Bruised and with a deformed face, the brother could not sell it. No sex, no food.

The punches followed, seeming endless. Suddenly, very strong pain in the head made him lose his strength, lowering his hand. He felt the pasty taste of blood in his mouth as the views darkened. Ryo then stood up and kicked him in the side. The pain in the kidneys made him cringe, like a child in a fetal position.

" You are a man, you bastard! " he heard. "Freak!"

He remembered hearing that accusation earlier in his childhood.

"A man! I kissed a man!" Shouted Ryo. " I want my wife now! " demanded.

He thought he was going to die, but the door opened.


Aiko Mamoru smiled at the middle-aged man while listening to him complain about life. His pale hands placed sake in the citizen's glass and, after seeing him raising the glass to his lips, asked:

"But I'm sure the lady is a good wife, isn't she?"

"It's a shrew," the other replied. "Do you think she refused to clean my boots that morning? And all why? Because of a slap I gave her. And, tell the truth, it was fully deserved. Nothing in that house works well, the food sucks, and the kids are rude. Any other man would beat his wife, but I just slapped her! These women are getting worse every day."

Aiko almost laughed but maintained her professional seriousness.

"Yamada-san, try to be kind to her. If aggression doesn't work, try another tactic. Speak nice words and give him gifts. Perhaps, with a more affectionate husband, she is more receptive to domestic life, " he suggested softly.

"Why be affectionate?" Yamada slapped her hand on the table. "These women are getting worse every day!" repeated, insisting on the idea "Here a few days ago they will want the same rights as men! Listen to what I tell you, Aiko-san, if we don't get morale up now, this anomaly will take over society. I already know about women working in offices, can you? The woman's place is at home, taking care of her husband and children."

Japanese society at that time was very strict with its rules. Family women should be married, good housewives, wives, and mothers. Only that. For fun and love, there were women of pleasure. Mamoru, dreamer, and idealist, did not understand very well how people could consider that way of life, but he respected opinions and remained silent in the face of circumstances.

"Aiko-san?" Midori appeared behind his back.

The courtier turned to her, smiling.

"What does Midori want?"

"Can I speak in private for a moment?"

He heard Yamada snort, as he knew the interruption was audacious. Still, he tried to be courteous and calm.

"Is urgent? Yamada-san and I are arguing about ...'

"Please, Aiko-san " the feminine tone was imperative.

Mamoru got up and, after an apology to the man, accompanied the woman. She looked calm, but when they left the room, her face was filled with nervousness.

"Ryo-san was with me," he said quickly. "But when Shiromiya started his presentation, he completely changed his behavior. He pushed me and went out of the door. It seemed to me that he went after Shiro-san because he seemed to know him from somewhere.

Aiko looked around.

"Did you see where he went?"

"No, I tried to go after him, but when I got up, the man who accompanied him took my hands and started asking my price ... And anyway, it took me a while to get rid of him and be able to go after to you. I need to go back to the salon, Aiko-san, but can you please check?"

Aiko nodded, reassuring her. Shortly after, he approached the gate and waved a hand to one of the guards to follow him. His legs were shaking too much, as he became unnerved when he imagined that the Shin episode would happen again with Ryo. Why were the two best friends like that?

He reached Shiromiya's corridor. There was no sign of Ryo, and he almost took a breath. To calm down, Aiko would see Shiro, and then do a quick search for the merchant, just to make sure he was gone.

His plans, however, were soon broken by Kazue's agonized cry. He ran towards the boy's room and opened the door. He found him lying on the floor. The face was covered in blood, and the moans escaped from the lips. Ryo was standing beside him as if in a trance, huffing with hate.

Aiko didn't think. He advanced on his friend, punching him. Even so, Ryo no reacted, and so he sent the security guard to put him on the street.

"Never come back to my house again," he said, his finger raised.

Only then did the other's countenance return to lucidity. However, an ironic laugh surprised him. How did Ryo dare laugh at what he did?

"Too bad I'm not Shin, right? If it were Sakamoto, for sure, he could do anything and you would always be willing to spread your legs ...

Aiko was shocked but refused to object. At his signal, the security guard pulled Ryo out of the house. Shortly after, Nana appeared. The old woman had been warned by the guard and was already carrying cloth and a basin of water.

"Call a doctor, " Aiko asked. "He doesn't wake up ... " He looked distressed.

The woman ran out again. Mamoru then lifted the fragile body and put it on the futon. He tried to wipe the blood off with the cloth, while talking quietly to Shiro, in an attempt to wake him up.

The boy woke up a few minutes later, to his relief. He was barely able to open his eyes and also had trouble speaking. But when she noticed Aiko Mamoru's tearful look, Shiro wanted to tell him that everything was fine.

The doctor treated him during the night. It didn't seem to have broken anything, but he commented to Aiko that it would be good for the boy to go to a hospital the next day for further tests. He nodded.

"His face will be swollen for weeks, and the purple spots will take time to disappear. What will you do during that time? " Nana asked, as soon as the man left. "You cannot cancel the presentations. Customers will go crazy!"

Aiko knew it was true, but there was nothing to be done.

"Have Rika send a note to the newspaper informing everyone that Ai will be closed for two weeks. Tell him that we will be making some reforms."

"You can't close House Ai, Mamoru!" Nana almost shouted. "Girls need money!"

Aiko raised his hands to his face, trying to contain his headache.

"And what I can do? "

Wanted to cry, to scream, to sit on the floor and stomp the foot like a child. Above all, he wanted Shin's lap, his advice. Sakamoto would know what to say, what to do. The best friend's surname gave him power for decisions like that.

"I'll send a letter to Shin asking him to come and see me in December," he finally decided. "And Rika will put a note in the newspaper informing that we will be in reform until then because we will be organizing a party in favor of our beloved imperial army. Leave a footer stating that customers will need to guarantee presence by making a paid reservation. With that money, I will pay off an amount to the girls to support themselves and their families to date."

Nana agreed.

"For the first time since you became friends with Sakamoto, I hope he shows up," the woman said.

The sound of her sentence remained on Aiko, even after she left.


The sun's rays beat against his eyes, and that unpleasant sensation woke him. Still struggling, he opened them wide and looked at the place. In front of him, his loyal servant Tadao looked at him with concern. The male hands shook him slightly, and then Ryo realized that he had just sat on a sidewalk, holding a bottle of sake in his hands.

"Ryo? " the man called him, waking him up completely.

Ryo raised his hands to his forehead, feeling unbearable pain taking him.

"What are you doing here?" He asked.

"I arrived in Tokyo this morning, went straight to your house. However, the servants told me that the master had not appeared, and they were very concerned. I then went to Ai, but Aiko Mamoru refused to explain it to me. I realized then that you and him had a fight and I went to look for you. Since young, Shin is yours a puberty companion, I knew in advance that you would be drinking somewhere you frequented Shin Sakamoto.

Ryo was amazed by the employee's devotion but said nothing. Looking up, he realized he was at Hama Rikyu[21]. He was startled by the gaffe made, but Tadao immediately reassured him.

"Some guards from the imperial family saw him coming in last night, at dawn. It seems that you told them that you wanted to be alone, and everyone believes that is suffering from the lack of his friend Shin Sakamoto.

Ryo would laugh out loud if it weren't for the intense pain that hit his body.

��I will apologize personally to the imperial family as soon as I take a shower and eat something. Did you come by car?"

"Yes. The driver is waiting for us at the end of the garden."

Tadao guided him to the vehicle. Ryo was still holding the empty bottle when he got into the car. He closed his eyes, trying to calm the latent pulse, and thought that sleeping would be the best thing to do at that moment.

"Allow me a question? " Tadao stared at him, sitting beside him. "Aiko-san almost threw the pet cat in my head when I went to see him. What happened?"

Ryo opened his eyes, staring at him.

"Do you know the woman I'm looking for?

"One of your dreams?

"Aiko-san has someone inside Ai with the same look" he nodded. "Imagine my shock at realizing this. I ended up going crazy."

At that moment, the scene in the bedroom came back to him. He remembered the boy's beautiful almond-shaped eyes, the way he begged him to let go, how he seemed to hate his kisses ...

"And what did you do, Ryo-san?"

The boss took a deep breath, irritated.

"I lost my mind," he admitted.

"Did you try to take it by force?"

Ryo laughed.

"It wasn't a woman. He was a transvestite boy. If you see him, you will be amazed at the female resemblance. I could never imagine" defended himself.

Tadao nodded.

"I hit the boy ... "

After speaking, he realized the guilt in himself. Shouldn't have beaten the boy. What harm had he done? Just because he was identical to the woman he loved, didn't deserve that.

"I need to apologize. Send Mamoru flowers with a card of mine, saying that I'm sorry for the thoughtless attitude."

As soon as he gave the order, he coming home. Without thinking of anything else, he went in and went to rest.


He woke up in the late afternoon, already completely redone from the hangover. He ate bath, ate a tasty piece of cake, and drank tea. He was beginning to plan the night when one of the servants appeared with a box in front of him.

"They had it delivered, Ryo-san," he said. " It's from Mamoru Aiko."

Ryo told her to come over. The woman dropped the box on the table and walked away. As soon as he found himself alone, he opened the cardboard box and noticed that it was full of shattered flowers. Predicting what was coming, he opened the attached envelope.

"Stick those flowers in your ass and die! Mamoru Aiko. "

He wanted to be angry but found himself laughing at the message. He knew that Aiko was not as benevolent him as he was with Shin, but he did not imagine that they would fight over a street bum.

He left the table and went to the garden. The night air was already beginning to give his grace and he smiled at so much beauty. With Aiko's letter in his hands, he remembered the boy again. It was so beautiful that it hurt the soul, but he didn't usually sneak around with men. He had a complete aversion. He turned a blind eye to Shin's passing cases because he admitted it was only a few seconds of no importance and also because he did not feel like being upset with someone with so much power in his hands. However, what fun was it? A man was hard, rigid, without the soft skin of women, and other delights.

However, Ryo didn't need to hit the boy.

The old guilt returned, that time with force. He knew that in the face of Aiko's condition, it was better to wait a better time to apologize, but he started to get nervous because of the kid.

Resolute, he decided to return to Ai soon, and apologize personally.

With that in mind, he went back inside the house and went to finish the night reading and listening to the radio.