Before you begin reading, I just want you all to know that this novel will have a mixture of different cultures, languages, and Gods.
I believe in the saying that "words have power" and what I like to do is I like to combine different languages together to make it something completely new. So please forgive me if you feel offended but I won't change it. I love the different languages that are spoken, and I love the different cultures around the world. It is so fascinating to learn about them.
Another thing is that some of the words may be a bit…butchered I guess…again please forgive me but I love combining the words together. And I guess it doesn't exactly help when I'm using google translate for most of my words…but that's pretty much it…
So, if you guys are confused or want questions answered please comment either on the jemoticons or along the reading! I'll do my best to answer as soon as I can!
Thank you for reading! Enjoy!
( ☆_☆)
P.S. I'll put in the [Author's Thought] the combined words that I used and how I say them. But if it's too complicated then you guys can just pronounce it however you feel like. I'll be using a lot of crazy and probably really tongue twister like words. Below is how I'll put it up.
1. Combined words here (how I say them here):
- foreign "word" here = definition (language used here)
I'll also "quote" the word I took/used from the foreign word in combination to create the new word.
Sneak peek/example...
1. Yattedok (yah-teh-dohk):
- Bun"dok" = mountain (Filipino)
- Jätte/"Yatte" = giant (Swedish)
Comment if it gets confusing...
P.P.S. If you guys have words (even curse/cuss words) from your own language that you wanna share then please go ahead and you can post it here! And who knows....I'll maybe put it up along the way! :)