11. Man In Robe

Aamir, he was immensely malencholy and shabby. his face was downside. he was not looking ahead of himself while he was sauntering on the street. he almost bumped into one carriage. coachman bellows at him. " hey kid, are you blind? or are you deaf? I have been tipping off you to give the way for a while. didn't you hear."

he gets his eye up. as coachman looks at his face. he scoffed at him." look, aren't you that traitor holster son? who wanted to abduct princess."

one man who was riding the carriage. he pops out his face to look at him.

and everyone around him, masses started to glared at him with scorn gaze. he becomes barbarian. he wanted to blight everything in front of him. he suppressed his rage. and gave the way of this carriage. that man, he was still starring at him to turn face. it was different then others. it was difficult to say, what's he thinking. whatever, but, it was neither love nor hate. Aamir dashed on his straight way without paying attention them.

as Aamir turned to take his way. that man face also comes under the certain of carriage. and asked to coachman. "why is he wondering alone? does he have no relatives?"

he said. " nope, he used to live with his father. even I also feel pity to this child a little bit. his father didn't think even a slightest about his son."

when Aamir comes near his house.

he saw that his neighbour were acting like he didn't recognize him. he was his father's fella. previously, they used to live amicable. his father always helped him even if it would be financial problem or any woes on him. his father used to give all his scrimp money whenever he lived in lack of money.

back then, Aamir used to get annoyed. " Father, it's always hardly chances that he would return our money. why have you giving him our scrimp money. his father used to said. " in hard time, friend should help each other. and for the consequence, we should leave everything on the deity. he is looking at us."

Aamir looks at the sky and then, he gazed at him. he was standing in front of his home nonchalantly. he was a small merchant. as Aamir approach to him. he tore away his gaze. he comes to very close of him and spreaded his hand. he asked with petulance tone. " you know clearly that I have got banishment. so, I have to evacuate this place. give me back my father's money. "

unexpectedly, he was weasel. he sneered. " kid, it terminated after your father's death. and I am free to debt."

Aamir became out of his mind. he lossed his etiquette. he gritted his teeth in fury. and jabbed his fist on his face. his front two teeth broken up just in one hit.

he yelped. "how dare you?"

'Ehsan,' don't let him go. he have to pay my two teeth." he was saying to his son. he was also same age of Aamir. as he comes out. he gets that from his father's mouth blood was exuding and his two teeth was vanished from the front. and Aamir he was going back.

'Ehsan' he strode to catch Abbas. as he turned to see him. his eye was blazing. he just wanted to throw a tantrum. he also stretched his hand. and clenched his fist . his son, 'Ehsan', took back off his feet. actually, he felt tingled on his nerve by fear. he laughed. "I am just saying that my father will be soothe if you give him cost of his two teeth. just some money would be enough. if you don't want then, it's also all right."

as he heard of it. he looks at his father. his father was bellowing. " don't leave, that bastard. then gave a glance at him. he said. " seriously, you are skimpy and sissy like your father."

then, he turned again to go his home to. as he

comes back home. he finds that same horse was stood in front of his house. as his gaze rolled up at him. he couldn't help himself from getting angry. his blood was seething all over in vein of his body. he picked up one stick with himself. and started beating him cruely without mercy. he was gasping. he hadn't stopped to beat him " why? why did you betray me at crucial moment. why?"

" I will kill you, today." he was bitting him non stoping perpetually . he had been tired bitting him over and over. but horse didn't move to his place at all. as he was feeling guilty.

Aamir started to cry with stopped his hand. he cried all day long. but no one came for him to give console him. despite, they were scoffing. 'look, he is the traitor son. his father has committed treason. don't look at him."

Aamir was sitting on the edge of the porch. he took deep breath of the fresh air. then, he said. " father, I wanna meet you. why have deity done it with me?"

" I offered my life. but why you take my father's life."

one deep voice echoed in hot evening. " may be he wants to do something special with your hand. "

then, he saw in the dark night, one people in black cloak was approaching to his flank. he gripped one cane tightly in his grasp to fighting back in the situation of if he dare to harm him. but, he paused just a few step away from him.

he asked him "who are you?"

he explained. "it doesn't matter. who I am? do you want to get revenge for your father?"

he said furiously. " yes, I desperately want it."

then, man who was in robe, he gave a wry smile to the edge of his lips. he gave one proposition. " alright, I will help you. but I have one condition. "

Aamir said with smoldering eye. " for revenge, I will do anything voluntarily what would you say."

he explained. " after getting revenge, you have to do something for me. do you agree with my stipulation."

he accented. " I will do anything to kill my father's murderer."

then, I should understand that pact between us has completed."