Zoie opened her eyes and sighed in obvious disappointment because it was like this every time. She'd close her eyes and drift off to sleep only to be greeted by the masculine individual in her dreams where they'd dance without any care in the world. For twelve months, she was wrapped in the unknown man's arms and they would depart leaving his identity a mystery to her every single time.

Zoie had not the slightest clue who he was but she was happy that the man appeared in her dreams a year ago because he bought her peace. Zoie had a huge secret that she hid from everyone, Zoie was a mutant. She could recall the first time she discovered her abilities, she was seventeen and ill. Already feeling like an infernal nuisance, Zoie told her mother that she'd be fine alone and could take care of herself. Taking Zoie's word, Alice left for work leaving her daughter alone with a sore throat, runny nose, and terrible cough.

Zoie was laying in bed hoping that she'd get well soon when she sneezed. As soon as Zoie opened her eyes, she realized that she was no longer in bed. Instead, she was now standing in the middle of the kitchen. Zoie was afraid after she realized that she had teleported from one place to another and wanted to do nothing more than get help yet she never told a single soul. As the years passed by, Zoie's powers grew and she'd spend time training herself determined to keep her secret hidden from the world.

Since Zoie was a child, she had been judged by many of the people who walked the streets, lived next door, and more. She was raised in a poor household by a single mother who had been a widow since Zoie was two after the death of her husband by a car crash. Zoie never knew any of her other family members as both of her parents were disowned by their families.

Zoie didn't have a grandmother or a grandfather, she didn't have an aunt or uncle, nor did she have any cousins or siblings. It was just her and her mother so Zoie was extremely devastated when she lost her only family to suicide when she was only twenty-two. Alice had spent twenty-two years of her life raising Zoie with no help but she could not overcome a broken heart.

Zoie found her mother dead in her bedroom over a drug overdose.

They lived a good distance from jobs in La Conner, Washington. They had one car and it would break down so often that they'd have to walk to work quite often. It didn't seem far driving distance but it was a different situation when walking. Zoie had gotten off of work at the Gourmet grocery store and walked home only to find her mom's lifeless body on the floor.

She was too late.

On Zoie's twenty-third birthday, a beautiful girl with the longest brunette hair, red lips, and tall figure entered her workplace. She introduced herself as Sabrina and explained how she had decided to leave college and return to the small town known as her home. Immediately, Zoie and Sabrina hit it off. They spent the entire year getting to know one another and Zoie was happy to have met her. A month after Zoie's twenty-fourth birthday, Sabrina rented herself a two bedroom home and asked Zoie to move in.

Later, Sabrina began hanging out with a few students who attended Northwest Indian College. They'd come over and act rude towards Zoie by calling her names, refusing to acknowledge her, and overall bullying her in her own home. As Zoie's social life declined once again, the thoughts in the back of her mind were getting worse. She knew that she was not the greatest looking girl but it was still no excuse for the treatment. Zoie had mocha brown skin, dark brown hair that stopped below my chest, thick eyebrows, big brown eyes that were always complimented by her mother yet they were overshadowed by the dark circles around her eyes from exhaustion.

Giving herself one big stretch, Zoie climbed out of bed and wandered downstairs in hopes of the apartment being empty. Disappointed to see the woman she thought was a friend, Zoie placed a fake smile on her face and prepared to greet the girl as she walked into the home.

"Morning there, Zoie!" Sabrina called out while closing the door behind her.

"Stayed out again?"

Sabrina laughed. "The party was amazing! Jason decided to let me stay over at his place because I was too drunk to drive home!"

"You're always too drunk." Zoie replied.

Sabrina rolled her eyes. "You need to try it! You just sit here or work and that's it. You're no fun!"

"I don't have time for it." Zoie shot back. "Plus your friends aren't too fond of me."

"They're your friends too!" Sabrina exclaimed.

"Friends don't do what they do to me, Sabrina!"

"It's not that bad."

Zoie scoffed at her friend but she was completely accustomed to Sabrina defending them. Turning around, Zoie exclaimed. "Crystal pushed me down the stairs, Oscar and Ross have literally trashed my belongings, Chanel cut my hair while I was sleeping, and Matt threw a brick at my car!"

Crystal James, Oscar Cyrus, Ross Mitchell, and Chanel Montgomery — four of the most vile and cruel people Zoie had ever met. They were all seniors at Northwest Indian College and were very close friends of Sabrina's. From the moment Zoie met them, they had it out for her.

Oscar had dirty blonde hair and was more on the buff side, Ross was extremely tall and wore baseball hats often to hide his curly brown hair, Crystal was tall with a very slim figure. She was born in the Philippines but relocated to the states at the age of six with the rest of her family. Chanel was the most privileged out of them all. She had blonde hair with brown eyes, born in Washington to a entrepreneur father and a stay at home mother. She was an only child as well. She was the definition of spoiled and could have anything in the world yet she spent majority of her time making Zoie's life a living hell.

Sabrina sighed. "The car was old!"

"It was my only fucking transportation!" Zoie exclaimed. She slammed her hand on the table causing Sabrina to jump up and look at her in shock. Zoie could hear the sound of the table crack leaving her hopeful that her superhuman strength didn't catch Sabrina's attention.

"Jesus Zoie!" Sabrina yelled as she rushed into the kitchen. "Why do you have to do that?"

"Those people are not my friends!" Zoie muttered.

Staring at her friend oddly, Sabrina walked over to Zoie before sighing heavily. "You have to stop these fits that you throw. They're getting worst and worst. You should go for a walk and cool off."

Zoie nodded her head in agreement. Without saying another word, Zoie quickly grabbed her jacket from the hook on the wall and marched to the front door. She slammed it open only to be greeted by the five people she hated the most. Matt, Oscar, and Ross chuckled at the sight of Zoie but said nothing as they walked passed her and entered the apartment, Crystal pushed Zoie's shoulder as she entered while Chanel touched Zoie's hair. Refusing to acknowledge them, Zoie rolled her eyes to keep herself calm before slamming the door and leaving.