Zoie looked around her room and smiled brightly. It had been days since the events in Seattle and she was now back at home. She recalled arriving back home, Sabrina and her friends sat in the kitchen discussing another party that someone was throwing describing it as the biggest party of the year. She ignored their odd looks, chatted with Sabrina for a few minutes, and went to sleep.

However, Zoie was extremely disappointed. She hadn't seen the man since the night he appeared in her dreams and showed where he resided. It was the first time in a year that she slept without seeing his face.

"Zoie!" Sabrina called out. Rolling her eyes, Zoie opened the door and made my way downstairs only to be greeted with her staring at her phone.


"This party is going to be the biggest thing ever. We cannot have anyone late so please be on time!" Sabrina said as she pointed at her idiotic group of friends. She turned towards me and smiled softly, "Zoie, a man came by searching for you. He looked pretty attractive."

"A man?" Zoie asked as she stared at her roommate in confusion.

Chanel scoffed. "I know! He looked as if he was rich."

Zoie tried to think of who it could be but she had no idea. Zoie shook her head and responded, "I don't know who that could be. Did he say anything?"

"He only asked if you were home." Sabrina answered.

"He did say something about returning." Matthew said. "He sounded like he was from a different time."

"How weird." Zoie mumbled before shrugging and making her way towards the kitchen.

"Zoie, tomorrow's the party." Sabrina said as she entered the kitchen. Zoie zoned out as Sabrina chatted away. Staring at her phone, Zoie read the article regarding her uncle's "suicide"

"So that's the plan!" Sabrina said causing Zoie to look up at her.

"Have fun!"

Sabrina stared at her friend in confusion for a second before shaking her head. "We'll be out around 9 tomorrow so if you leave then lock the door, I don't want that creep coming in!"

"Guys! Come in here! We're about to play a game!" Crystal exclaimed from the living room. Zoie followed Sabrina out of the kitchen and headed towards the stairs wanting no parts in their game.

"Where are you going? You're playing too." Chanel said before grabbing her arm and pulling her towards the couch.

"I'm sure everyone knows how to play Never Have I Ever!" Matthew said.

"I'll go first." Ross yelled. "Never Have I Ever slept with a teacher to get a passing grade."

"Oh! That was one time!" Crystal exclaimed before taking a shot.

Zoie gulped as Oscar placed his hand on her thigh and rubbed it gently. Zoie felt extremely uncomfortable and disgusted. Oscar smirked as he continued to caress her thighs.

"Never Have I Ever talked bad about a friend." Chanel said. She and Crystal took a shot.

"Take a shot, Sabrina! You remember what you said about Zoie!" Ross demanded as they all laughed. Sabrina looked at Zoie with a sad smile before taking the shot.

"Never Have I Ever been arrested." Sabrina said out loud as they all laughed. Zoie could feel her anger rising as Oscar continued to molest her thigh. The voices in her head were getting louder and demanding that she snaps his neck right there. As his hands went closer and closer to my sacred area, Zoie spoke up.

"Never Have I Ever attempted to rape someone." She exclaimed as the room went into an awkward silence.

"Who did that?" Ross asked.

"Tell them!" She mumbled.

"What are you talking about?" Crystal asked.


"I never did anything to you!" He yelled as he jumped up from the couch.

"Are you seriously going to lie right now?"

"I would never do anything to you! You're a fucking freak!"

"You almost raped me! You would've gotten away with it if I didn't run!"

"Stop lying on me!" Oscar screamed. "I never did that! Why would I? You're a pathetic girl and everyone says it including Sabrina! You only mope around here and stare everyone down like a fucking creep and wonder why you have no friends. You're mother overdosed to get away from you!"

"You son of a bitch." Zoie exclaimed as she stood from the couch and pounced. She wrapped her hands around his neck as Ross and Matthew ran over to pull her away from their friend.

"She's strong." Ross mumbled.

"Let go!" Matthew exclaimed before pulling Zoie away. Oscar stared at Zoie with wide eyes before rushing out the front door. Matthew and Ross shot a disgusted look towards Zoie before following behind Oscar while Chanel and Crystal looked at her in shock.

"Why would you accuse him of something like that?" Chanel asked.

"You're trying to ruin his reputation!" Crystal exclaimed.

Zoie scoffed. "I just told you that I was almost raped by him and you're worried about his reputation? You'd think that the women would have my back."

"I'd never have your back!" Chanel exclaimed before storming out the house followed by Crystal. Sabrina looked back at Zoie and shook her head before following her group of cruel friends out the door.