01 The first wrong turn

"Hey dude are you sure you want to do this,"said Joe.

"Yeah I'm sure,"said Leo.

"Did you bring the ouji board then,"said Joe.

"Yeah, how can I forget the most important part of the game."said Leo.

"Ok, now we have to set up," said Leo.

"Leo this crazy!,"said Joe.

"Well,I miss mom too much to bail on the only plan,"said Leo in a fit of rage.

Joe listen to his brother because Leo was much older then him and could beat or scold him easily.

And they did the ritual but instead of contacting their mother they contacted a jinn by accident.

Suddenly,all the candles that were lit were all blowned off although there was no wind in the room. They asked if they could leave the game but the spirit will not let pray slip under her fingers for she was merciless.

It only escalated from there. They were in the big city but there was no signal to call for help. Then the was thing happened Joe was suddenly.....