"Excuse me…"
A timid male voice interrupts our kiss. Yashima and I shoot our meanest glare to the source. Shinji with a pale face and shaking body is looking at us fearfully.
"What?" We said at the same time, our voice full of annoyance.
"HEEEK! I'm sorry! Please, don't kill me! It's that crazy woman's fault! Please! I'm sorry! I don't want to die! I'm still a virgin!" Kneeling at us, Shinji begged and blabbed out desperately.
We calm down our annoyance and inspect his appearance carefully. He looks very pitiful. He is really terrified of angering us—mostly Yashima—because of the insane fight that has happened.
I cannot blame him. It is beyond the norm. Still, I do not like how he looks at Yashima in terror as if my sweet, precious Yashima is a devil.
Wait! What?! Since when I have this deep affection for her?! I realize how deep my feeling for Yashima has become despite we only met less than an hour ago. I blame it on the bond between Ashikabi and Sekirei. But, that's not the point.
I sense Yashima's pain because of Shinji's terror-filled gaze on her. I understand why she suddenly reacted like that.
Despite she is a powerful alien girl who can kill dozens and even hundreds of trained humans, she is only a girl who wishes for love in her heart. Shinji's gaze hurts her. And I feel angry at Shinji.
However, I did not snap at him because I understand his fear. If I'm powerless like him, I too am scared of Yashima. Well, I need to comfort Yashima and use my hand to turn Yashima's face to meet mine and give her a quick peck on her lips.
Yashima seems surprised by that and gives me a confounded look. I give her a comforting smile in return.
"Just ignore him. You're not scary at all in my eyes. You need not think other's thoughts about you. I'm here for you, Yashima," I whispered to her ears.
"Ri-Rio-sama…Thank you…" She replied softly and tightened her embrace.
She rests her head on the crook of my neck. Her soft, silky hair and soft breath are tickling my skin. I ignore the ticklish sensation and shift my attention to Shinji, who is still kneeling on the floor, seemingly afraid to anger Yashima.
Well, it is understandable. I will not piss off someone who can swing a heavy and massive hammer as if it weighs nothing.
"Alright. Get up. No need to kneel like that."
After Shinji timidly stands up, I inspect him for a moment and remember his love problem. I empathize and sympathize with him. Although my ex-girlfriend and I have broken up amicably, it felt hurt. At the very least, I have recovered, and I now have Yashima.
"So, Shinji, is it?"
"You said you were forced to break up with your girlfriend because of Sanna, right?"
Remembering his love problem because of the unreasonable Sekirei, a gloomy expression sets on his face.
"Yes," he answered in a disheartened tone.
"Cheer up, dude! Now that Sanna is defeated, you can mend your relationship with your girlfriend. Rei is her name, is it?"
"You're right! But…"
Shinji perks up after hearing my words. But, he deflates quickly. The quick shift in his mood makes me speechless.
"What's now?" I asked what is his problem.
At this moment, I know that Yashima is listening to our talk despite she is resting her face on the crook of my neck. I let her be and focus on Shinji.
"How can I explain everything to Rei-chan? The Game Master of this stupid game has threatened me to keep the Sekirei Game as a secret. I do not want Rei-chan to get involved in this mess!"
"Haaah…" I sighed tiredly.
I have yet to get a call from Minaka despite I have winged Yashima. I have seen his mug on the promotional billboard and other media in the past days. He looks ridiculous IRL than his manga or anime arts. But, let's stop talking about him.
"How about this. I won't mind helping you to mend your relationship with your girlfriend."
"Why? Why are you doing this?"
Shinji has a suspicious look. I am speechless at that, but I realize that I am being a busybody.
"You remind me of myself. I know how painful is to break up with your girlfriend because of circumstances. I want to help you because of that."
"I see…" Shinji nods in acceptance. "Then, how are you going to help me mend up my relationship with Rei-chan? I think she hates me now. And it's because of that crazy chick's fault!"
He throws a mean glare at the large hole in the wall. It reminds me that Sanna never returned after she created that hole with her body. Curious, I release Yashima's body from my embrace and move to the hole.
"Wait for a minute. I want to see that girl's condition." I told Shinji and Yashima who was calling me and giving me a confused look.
They decided to follow me, and we walk there together. We ignore the sound of Yashima's hammer scrapping the floor. After we arrived, we look into the hole. I feel my stomach flip at the gruesome sight.
Sanna looks like someone who's died from being hit by Almighty Truck-kun. Well, she got hit by Hammer-kun. Perhaps, she will get reincarnate in another world? Alright, let's stop joking!
Shinji is puking out his breakfast, lunch, or perhaps both from the gruesome sight. Meanwhile, Yashima tightens her grip in my bicep while muttering in shock, "Level Five Termination! This is Level 5 termination! Oh, goodness!"
Watching how Yashima is panicking, I become anxious.
"Is there a problem with it?" I asked her while petting her head and combing her silky hair to calm her down.
"N-No. Um… Maybe, I will get a call and reprimanding from the Professors and Doctors in MBI HQ. But, if I explain what happened, they will understand… I hope."
I consciously ignore the uncertainty in Yashima's tone and recall what I know about this topic
There are 5 Levels of Termination status. Level 1 is the lowest, and it applies to any Sekirei who got deactivated without any physical harm. This thing can happen by erasing a Sekirei Crest. Level 5 is the highest, usually the one designated with this term ended up in a brutal state. I recall that Karasuba is the one who likes to give Level 5 Termination status to other Sekirei.
"Is…Is she dead?" Shinji asked fearfully after recovering.
"Mmm…I don't think so…" Yashima replied after thinking a little.
"Wha-what?! Look at her! There's no way she's alive!"
"Well…Sekirei is different from human. You know this, right?"
Shinji shakes his head unsurely and then speaks up.
"I only know that Sekirei needs to find their Ashikabi to get winged, have supernatural power, and are fighting in a secret battle royal under M.B.I. sponsor and protection."
Shinji only has a basic knowledge of Sekirei. Yashima nods in affirmation before explaining to us.
"You see, Sekirei has a core called Tama. This core is where Sekirei's soul resides. As long as the Tama isn't destroyed, Sekirei is still alive. Even if they end up like that, the doctors and professors in MBI can activate them again after their physical vessels are repaired. Thus, Sanna is very much still alive. Think of it like she's in a coma now."
"Wait! You meant that crazy woman is really alive and will wake up! No! I don't want her to mess up my life!"
Yashima has a complicated expression after she saw and heard Shinji's negative reaction at the news. In Yashima's perspective, an Ashikabi rejecting his Sekirei is unfathomable. She can only imagine the pain and distress of the Sekirei who got rejected.
"About that, I don't think you need to worry. Whether the deactivated Sekirei will reactivate or not is up to the winner of the Sekirei Game. But, I will win this game so I can be with Rio-sama forever and ever!" Yashima declared in a determined tone at the end.
"Then, Onii-san, Onee-san, please don't reactivate her if you win." Shinji pleaded desperately.
In return, Yashima and I smile wryly at him.
"Uhum…Anyway, what about helping me to get back with Rei-chan?" Shinji changed the topic awkwardly.
Yashima turns in my direction, apparently curious.
"Well, I plan to help you by showing evidence. I want you to be honest with your girlfriend and tell her about this whole Game."
"But, that," Shinji seems speechless before becoming anxious, "Won't Rei-chan be targeted by MBI?"
"We will make her swear to keep this whole game a secret. I don't think there's a problem if she doesn't blab about this game. What important is that you mend up your relationship, right?"
"I see. Then, what about the evidence you mentioned earlier?"
"I believe your girlfriend won't believe your words despite they are the truth. Thus, Yashima as a Sekirei will show the evidence. I think seeing her wings appear and telling your sweetheart that it's not a CG is enough, don't you think so? If not, Yashima can bend a steel rod. With her strength, I believe she can do it." I looked at Yashima questioningly.
"As long as it's not too dense and hard, I think I can do it!" She replied positively.
"I understand. So, what are we going to do now? Are you two going to help me immediately? I can call Rei-chan to strengthen up our misunderstanding."
Shinji seems spirited. I shake my head and speak up:
"Let's wait for MBI personnel's arrival. We can't just leave her like this and run away. Besides, Yashima can explain what happened to MBI personnel so she can get leniency."
Yashima perks up and reacts positively to my idea, saying, "That's a good idea, Rio-sama. I hope that it is Sahashi-sensei or my adjuster who comes here! They are very kind."
I let her hug me and enjoy her soft body. It's hard to believe that her feminine and petite body can release such monstrous strength in her previous match. I decided to pet her head and comb her hair in return. We ignore Shinji who is sending an exasperated gaze at our lovey-dovey action.
Around five minutes or so after we concluded our talk, we hear the sound of approaching helicopter. Shinji seems wanting to get out of the warehouse to look at the helicopter but stays with us since Yashima and I don't move from our spot, me still hugging and pampering her.
Soon, MBI personnel enter the warehouse. There are people wearing white coats and covering their faces with surgical masks. Also, there are armed guards.
A pretty woman with short gray hair in a business suit under her white lab-coat leads the group. She has a deep scowl and intimidating gaze. Yashima perks up when she sees the woman.
"Sahashi-sensei!" She greeted the woman, now I know as Takami Sahashi. She was very energetic in her greeting.
I recall what I know about Takami Sahashi. She is the mother of the protagonist, Minato Sahashi, the ex-lover of Hiroto Minaka the CEO of M.B.I., and the head scientist that adjusts Sekirei before they leave to find their Ashikabi. She also one of two people who discovered the spaceship that holds Sekirei. The other one is Hiroto Minaka.
When my view lands on Takami, I cannot deny that she is a fine MILF. Alas, this is reality and is not a fiction. And I'm not a harem fanfiction protagonist who can easily seduce and fuck an experienced and career-orientated MILF who is focusing on her children whose oldest son's age is older than me.
All that aside, back to the present. Takami's hard expression softens when her gaze lands on Yashima briefly. Then, her sharp look returns as she shifts her attention on me and Shinji.
We wait until she arrives in front of us tensely. This woman is exuding authority and charisma that are hard to ignore.
After we waited shortly, Takami stops in front of us while her group passes by and heads for the brutalized form of Sanna. There are two armed guards flanking her.
"You're Number 84 Yashima." She began confidently. "What happened? I want to know why I got a notification about Level 5 Termination on Number 37 Sanna."
Yashima is nervous under Takami's intense gaze. I give her silent support by squeezing her hand softly.
"Um. I'm sorry, Sensei. I don't mean to give Number 37 a Level 5 Termination. It's an accident, I swear!"
After hearing Yashima's nervous confession, Takami sighs deeply. With a vexed expression, she demands an explanation with a serious tone.
"Tell me what happened!"
Yashima explains about what happened, and Takami listens to her silently. After Yashima concluded her report, Takami releases a frustrated sigh.
"You know, Yashima-chan, I really, really want to blame you for such a heavy termination of your sister. But, it will be unfair for you because you want to stay at your Ashikabi's side. There's also a fact that it's unfair for you to hold back in your next fight because I don't think your opponent will hold back too. I'm truly at lost what to do…"
We are speechless after listening to Takami's complaint. We do not know what to say.
What Takami has said is indeed correct. She can't force Yashima to hold back in a deathmatch, or Yashima will be separated from someone who literally means the world for her.
This Game, this Sekirei Plan, is very cruel. Unlike me and Yashima who can run away to another dimension after I accumulated enough Tantric Points, other Ashikabi and Sekirei pairs who truly love each other are at the mercy of strong Sekirei or a group of Sekirei attack.
I repeat: this Sekirei Plan is extremely cruel. I feel extreme dislike for Hiroto Minaka because of this realization.
"Just be careful next time, okay?"
Takami gives Yashima an encouraging smile.
"Sensei, you're really kind."
Shinji agreed after I unconsciously praised Takami because, under her authoritarian and strict persona, she is indeed a kind woman. What a fine MILF…
Minaka is a foolish clown for making her scorn him… If it's me… Well, it's up to your imagination…
Shinji also concurred with my assessment of Takami's character.
Takami looks and then snorts at us. "Flattery gets you nowhere, kids."
She focuses her attention on Shinji suddenly and speaks up, "I'm sorry that you get separated from your Sekirei. But, I can't help you because my hands are tied."
"Oh! No! No need to apologize, Sensei! I'm glad that she left me now." Flustered, Shinji replied.
Takami raises her brow in befuddlement. Then, she narrows her eyes dangerously and speaks up in a dangerous tone.
"What did you mean by that?"
Nervous and afraid, Shinji is tongue-tied. I decided to help him out. I explain Shinji's problem to Takami.
"Good grief… What a mess. This is the second time I heard this mess…"
"Ano, what did you mean, Sensei?" Yashima asked in my and Shinji's place.
We look at Takami, curious about what she meant. Takami looks deep in thought, wondering whether she should talk or not. In the end, she speaks up.
"I won't tell you what number has done it, but a Sekirei has reacted to a married man. She's stubborn as a bull but not unreasonable like Sanna's case. Still, it created a mess and almost wrecked a married couple's relationship. She kept stubbornly insisting on him to divorce his wife and choose her. And that couple was afraid of Sekirei's physical prowess. In the end, they decided to file a complaint to us, and I was the one who dealt with it…"
We are speechless at that. A married couple, it's worse than Shinji's case! At the very least, this Sekirei didn't strong-arm that married man like what happened to Shinji.
"Um… What happened to that Sekirei, Sensei?" I asked carefully.
She looks at us silently as if deciding to tell us or not. She decided to speak up since she has shared the information.
"We regretfully deactivated her."
Once again, we are struck speechless. Yashima even gasps loudly because she is the only one here who can emphasize with this deactivated Sekirei because. Her grip on my arm tightens, and I squeeze her hand to comfort her.
"That's tragic," I commented.
"Now that I think about it, this whole Game is cruel. A Sekirei must find their destined Ashikabi, and after that, they must fight each other to stay with Ashikabi's side…" Shinji said.
"I know what you meant by that. This whole bullshit is madness. But, my hands are tied." Takami replied in a helpless tone.
"Perhaps, you can throttle the mastermind behind this madness," I joked, half-serious, and Takami snorted at that.
"I want to, but that person is slippery more than an eel. He has prepared many failsafes, so this madness will continue as he wants." Takami said while biting her thumb's nail, her face displaying her frustration.
Suddenly, the group of lab-coat wearing people approach our location. They are carrying a stretcher with a body bag that is stained by blood. We realize who is inside that body bag.
After they presented the stretcher to Takami, she checks out the content of the body bag and frowns at the state of Sanna's body.
"At the very least, her core isn't damaged. She can be activated again in the future. Still, she looks like she's gotten hit by a truck." Takami morbidly joked at the end and looked at Yashima with a weird stare as if wondering how Yashima had done it.
Yashima returns her gaze with her nervous stare. I decided to chime in at this moment.
"Maybe, she will get reincarnated in another world and find her Ashikabi there."
Takami and Yashima seem oblivious to my reference, but Shinji snorts loudly at my remark. I realize that he is my comrade. He is also Otaku.
"You're reading Isekai light novels too much, Onii-san," Shinji snark cheekily at me.
In return, I smile wryly at him. If he only knows that my situation is like the protagonist in those cliché novels…