ok im a little confused ... people die every day how does one African American man dying just now by a cop when it's happened hundreds of times before spark into flames of unity ? like I'm not racist or anything I'm just confused why they would burn stores and homes and cars and hurt people when they could have just burned up the police cars and police station instead ? like it makes me rack my brain trying to think of a reason but it's difficult first off they made great progress in equality that's the only plus side to this I'm looking at many many people with no job.... having to pay that stolen merchandises value back to the companies how did it turn into kids getting maced? riots and other situations it confuses me I mean yes plenty of racist people in the world but everyone's been enslaved before in the dark ages you see it's not anything new yet people still complain it's not equal..... I'm gonna be honest nothing's equal .... you are born poor and everything tried to bleed you of everything you have and can make

your born rich your under slander by everyone who is poor and finds amusement in your pain hell you got people who deserve money and recognition who are now homeless and abandoned you got white folks who are treated just as bad as everyone else and I will say this once again I'm not racist in fact I've discovered that white girls are completely crazy haha every white girlfriend I've ever had has cheated and treated me like garbage one of two African American girls I dated they treated me pretty good ...didnt cheat ... and we're pretty chill I don't care for looks I go for personality but sadly it also leaves me to being easy to misread personalities sadly so those relationships weren't bad but I moved a lot growing up and we'll distance didn't work for one and the other well I didn't like the distance that time but anyway back to topic you got cops Macing kids? why ? unless they got a weapon leave them alone! seriously in my neighborhood we got cops who don't even want to do anything honestly I've seen about a dozen kids under 13 who somehow getting ahold of meth I know a guy who's been ran through with a machete I personally nearly got shot in a drive by(some dope head was pissed some guy had right away to pull in dollar general parking lot even though he was nowhere near the turn in to the parking lot yet he follows the guy inside cussing him out kicking his car and follows him to his house when the other guy picks up his kids and wife and then changes streets and meets him somehow in front of my house while I'm outside I'm not gonna lie I ran like I was being chased by a dinosaur when I heard shots that were fired at a car full of kids a wife and the man ) I know a kid who was like 12 who stole a pistol out of a cops car and sold it to a 18 year old for meth and that 18 year was actually banging a 13 year old girl and getting her high as a kite cops down here are so focused on getting drivers pulled over for driving a mile over the speed limit or a person with no liscense or a broken light or anything and everything they can pull drivers over for which is disappointing because sure they drive around at night with a spot light on but they don't drive slow to actually look and the court house wants you wearing brand new clothes to court and won't let you in until your wearing them which is wrong also there's literally very few times you see a dope head stay in jail down here of course if your arrested with dope on you and in your system they're rule is name 3 and you go free which means a dope head names 3 of his friends or dealers and goes free hell he could be quietly and discreetly stealing from folks or hurting others yet he goes free