Behind the Spearman, the line up wasn't as strict anymore. Keeping a bit of space for maneuvers and to allow the Supporters to attend to those that requested or required it, the rest of the 3 groups were placed in a loose form of mass.
Still at their center stood the most important group, the ranged damage dealers (the 'Bowmen') that Aiden was placing most of his expectations on.
[Group: Bowmen
Efficiency: 95% (
Power: 89.7 (94.5)
Toughness: 30
Quality: Tier 1 (+5% Equipment Power Bonus)
Soldier (Power Level 3): 30
Group Skills:
Archery (Level 5),
Short Bow Mastery: Advanced (Level 2),
Long Bow Mastery: Advanced (Level 3),
Crossbow Mastery: Basic (Level 3),
Precise Aim (Level 2),
Headhunter (Level 5),
Draconic Skink Tenacity (Level -),