I f*ck your b*lls

Seff grabbed Sara by her wrist and pulled her towards him. He lowered his head onto Sara's neck. He kissed it a couple of times enjoyably and pervertedly said: "Sara, this dimwit Faijay is never going to be good enough for you as his servant. Do you realize, he doesn't resemble anything of a young lord?"

"Unfortunately, Shayne, that lass if not for her beautiful body I wouldn't pursue her. Shit! She didn't want to submit before me. Tsk, I really want to take her virginity. Such a loyal servant is too good for that idiot. He made a mess towards the clan if not for his grandfather's protection he would at most live by himself without any assistance. Hehe, Sara; how about I'll take you as my personal servant instead?"

He was holding tight onto Sara's wrist; the warm and smooth sensation of her body broke down the last bit of his reasoning. He forgot he was inside someone's territory and Sara was the servant of someone else. In the momentum that came from his loss of sanity, he slowly put his lips to kiss Sara.

'Forgiveness is the key that unlocks the door of resentment and the handcuffs of hate. It is a power that breaks the chains of bitterness and the shackles of selfishness... Amithaba...'

Faijay tried to calm down himself but when he thought about those two doing nasty things inside his home, "F*ck!"

When Seff was enjoying himself, something unexpected happened.


A stone barbell 'kissed' his face instead. But with that amount of force, it was more like a smack of a hammer.

This attack was so sudden that Seff didn't even see it coming. Surprised at the blood gushing out of his broken nose, he screamed as he fell back and let go of Sara's wrist.

Seff felt like stars are spinning above his head. He wanted to retort and find the culprit but the next move of Faijay made him lost consciousness.

"Secret technique: Castration!"

Swoosh! Bang! Puchi!

A bamboo stick around two meters whistled in between his knee. Sure is, that attack hurts so much that Seff's continuance looks astonishing turning his feature of glossy white to pale and then violet. Goodness, two b*lls had flattened just now.

"Ahhhh!!" Seff mournfully howls like a beast.

His body fell uncontrollably.

Sara couldn't believe what she saw. It was as if the young lord was possessed by someone.

Faijay had always acted meek and lifeless and thus he was treated just like an invisible air.

"H-he! D-did that actually just happen?" Although it was shocking, this only made Sara felt fear. The young lord today made an unexpected and shocking move. For sure Seff's future is over.

Seff was now lying unconscious on the ground with his eyeball turned white. Poor Seff he couldn't even see the culprit who did this inhumane attack on him.

"This h*rny dog! I f*ck your balls moth*rf*cker. Where did this animal come from? Get him out of here! And you b*tch! Get back to work!" Faijay bellowed.

"Oh no, I think I might have bipolar disorder!" Faijay said in a panic.

'How did my personality change so quickly?'

"H-he even curse me n-now. Ahhhhh!! The young lord was possessed! He's going crazy! Help!"

Maybe because it happened to fast and Sara could not process what was happening, she blankly stands there muttering by herself. But when the young lord shouted at her again, her brain went dull and became rusty. She runs as if she had seen a ghost.

Soon Shayne came hurriedly and saw Sara went insane. But Shayne didn't come by herself. Behind her was an old man. His hair was healthy black even though he was well over sixty.

When they saw the servant came running without even noticing them, they were shocked to the core. What's happening? Did something happen to Faijay? When this thought came within their minds, they hurriedly run inside the courtyard only to find his friend's grandson lying on the ground unconscious.

Faijay was also there standing with a frown reflected on his charming face.

"What happened?" Grandpa Felix squinted.

Grandpa Felix was quite happy today. When he heard the news about the recovery of his grandson, he hurriedly follows the servant who reported this matter and wanted to personally see his grandson's condition himself.

But an unfortunate event happen so fast and someone beat his friend's grandson to the point it fell unconscious! This is considered treason!

When Faijay saw the old man he immediately knew who he was. His feature and Faijay's are similarly the same.

"Grandpa? Who is this brat? If not for my kin hearing, I couldn't figure out that someone is doing nasty things inside my courtyard."

Grandpa Felix and Shayne threw a question look back at him. Grandpa Felix never thought that his grandson's condition reaches to this point. Seeing how he cursed so much made his continuance calmed down and his depressing mode subside fully.

"This... this is your friend. What about the nasty things you mentioned?"

"Really? This brat is really my friend? Sigh, I should teach this friend of mine a lesson. Ohh, right. You two really don't know?" Faijay was bewildered. If Seff's front didn't cover the ground and if his back didn't place in front, they would already realize what Faijay wanted to tell them.

Without any other way, Faijay sigh and formed a circle within his left hand and then a pointed finger from his right hand. The due was seriously focused as to what Faijay was doing. All they see is a circle and a pointed finger so it was nothing strange and still waiting. Only after Faijay put the pointed finger inside the circle and repeatedly do the action inside and out did the two reacted. Shayne made a hysterical shriek covering her red face with her two hands.

At the same time, grandpa Felix gave a light cough and turned his head sideways.

"I'm sure you two finally got it?"

The two finally nodded their head. Shayne's face still red all over. She couldn't help her thoughts wonder, "Is this Young Lord's new hobby? Such a perverted way to explain things. But, after all down there... big."

Unfortunately, Faijay wasn't aware of these thoughts. Otherwise, he would've laughed loudly in embarrassment, "Wow! Such open-mindedness!"

He would have sighed and looked up the sky, "Gods and Buddhas help me! This girl's imagination is so over the top. She harbors fantasies I can't even dare to fathom!"

Both grandpa Felix and Shayne had felt relief that nothing happened to Faijay but Faijay's change of character had shocked them as well. They couldn't believe what they heard from him.

Grandpa Felix's expressions continued to change in confusion, surprise, and happiness. He sighed, puffed, shook his head, and nodded. It seemed that he had used up half of his entire life's facial expressions in a single instance.

He laughed wildly with bright light keeps on glittering within his eyes.

"It's good that you're better now. Take care. Mmm... This is also good. Although you lagged behind, you can still awaken your spiritual beast within your body. I will help you make preparation. Your servant already knows the place come and find me there later."

After Grandpa Felix said his words he bid his farewell.

"Has the fall from the river changed his character?" Grandpa Felix stroked his beard as he exited the courtyard while carrying Seff on his hands.

What a miraculous. Is this the heavens will? Did the heavens bless my grandson or curse him? He didn't know why but the thing the bothered him all the time finally resolve. At least temporarily.

"This time your grandfather cannot protect you now. You're big enough to handle things on your own. Now that your better, all I can do is to help you awaken your martial spirit for the second time. I'm sure no matter how much I tried to help you hide your current condition, there will be a time when all of them know about this. And I'm afraid they will do everything to make you the same way they do in the past. Your grandfather is useless. He can't even protect your parents." Felix De Duncourt muttered as he looks at the bright blue sky.

Spiritual beast... A light flashed across Faijay's eyes he too wanted to know if his theory were true or not. Can he condense his own spiritual beast or not?

Thus, after three hours of waiting inside the courtyard, Faijay called Shayne. This lass still has a bit of redness on her she acted shy and timid when she was in front of him. Faijay couldn't help but shook his head thinking, "She still couldn't get over it? This servant... is cute."

"Let's go... Let's see what spiritual beast I can awaken."