Chapter 4:shy

You have a dick but your a girl how you were freaking out omg hey hey you need to calm down she said in a calming voice why don't we get you cleaned up and out of here she said it like a nothing ever after the aqua shower. She such a down on your day what would you like to wear today choose anything I don't care Why don't you wear this outfit but the shirts a little You put those clothes on and I'll go get some more comfortable clothes After putting on your clothes you looked cute You are a pink pastel skirt with a Pastel top. Where are we going today to go meet my family of course every Saturday my mom cooks and her food is so good you're so excited about it before we go see your family you said you never told me your name my name is June I can't wait for you to meet my sisters June said they're excited to meet you every since they heard about you. What you got to her parents house you wear scared Her mother was so excited to meet you she asked you way too many questions and you answer them truthfully her big sister did not like you uh Are you August my name is Kennedy go away what you're just using my sister for her money that's it I don't like people like that June walked in the room what's going on in be continued