Chapter 31:Ok

You and June went back to her house it was messy June I think we should clean up after cleaning June wanted to go to sleep with you Instead got on your phone Kennedy why are you not sleeping. Well I'm not tired June leaned in for a kiss you kissed her back June was getting more and more touchy-feely you did not want to do it tonight. But June knows all of the right spots June was on top of you June's fingers inside of your pussy June I think we should stop the her fingers touched that one spot... chapter 32: OMG June served you breakfast in bed so Kennedy have you thought about marriage or whatever because here Kennedy I want to spend my life with you and I want you to be mine for ever. So please take this ring you you loved June but you had something to tell her June I can't have baby's I'm sorry but I would love to marry you June gave you a big hug I don't care that you can't have kid besides we can adopt if you want. To Be continued