The Prophecy

Gordon ran as fast as he could to reach the palace….he could hear from far distance his parents and Marshal discussing probably sitting in the huge hall which once used to be the throne room.

"Your highness I think he needs some more time. He has just turned 18 a day back and he needs to discover his hidden gifts." Gordon heard Marshal say.

"Nonsense ! He is matured and strong enough, thanks to you Marshal ! It's time he should know the

Prophecy ! He will find out the gifts soon am sure. But now he should know that he is the chosen one for the huge responsibility !"

Gordon stopped in his track just outside the entrance and got curious. He immediately asked for permission and entered the Huge hall.

" Father ! what are you all talking about ? What is the Prophecy ? Gordon asked politely.

" Son, soon there will be a war ! and your daughter who will be born through your union with your Human mate will restore peace and protect our kind and all other with her Special Powers ! " Stalon stood up from his Chair and said with hope in his eyes!

Gordon stood still with a hint of shock on his face. Human Mate ! That's impossible ! He has sworn in his mind to serve his kind and hardly wanted a mate. He knew that mates were only weakness. On top of that a HUMAN ! No way can he accept that !

"Father Please " He requested, " I don't need a mate ! that also a Human Mate ! We are the strongest being that have ever existed. Even if there is a war, there is no being who could defeat us ! We royals are stronger than the witches, werewolves, humans and Elves ! Then why do I have to have a Human Mate ? What can a Human do better?" He said with a smirk on his face.

Raina now went and sat beside her son, and explained " My dear Son ! you are right. We royals are far stronger than the witches, werewolves, humans and Elves; But not Saltons ! They are a special and very powerful kind created by the most powerful witch Mara to destroy the world and create a new world of her own. We stand no chance in front of 'Nightfall' the New born Son of Mara the witch and Tremor –the hybrid king !"

Gordon couldn't believe his ears! "Saltons! I have never heard or read about Saltons!"

"It was about 1000 years ago. We ruled in peace and harmony together with werewolves, witches and Elves in our Kingdom- which was the largest that existed! " Stalon spoke being nostalgic. " There were no fights and everybody lived here in peace together. Your mother was the most kind Queen that our kingdom ever had and I was the most respected and strongest among the Kings that ever existed. I was deeply in love with your mother. Then one day there was a plaque. All our subjects were under great misery. We were desperate to find help and even though our Guardian Angel Semora with all her power could hold the plague for some time but she needed a powerful spell from a witch to merge with her own power to save the Kingdom. And hence we decided to go to the Forbidden Cave to fetch the most powerful witch who was forbidden and captivated by a special spell by an angel, a strong spell which can be broken only by royal blood, for Mara was selfish and cruel. I was left with no other choice when I saw thousands of my subjects dying every day. She was our only hope! I went to the cave with Marshal and seeked help from Mara. Mara as cruel as she was offered help and in exchange she wanted to marry me and be the queen of Sapphire ! She refused to accept anything else and I had to accept per proposal and free her using my royal blood!

We freed our Kingdom Sapphire from the deadly plague with the help of Semora and Mara and as per my promise I had to marry Mara and declare her my Queen. Everything seemed to go well but soon darkness engulfed our kingdom.

Although I married Mara and made her the queen, I never accepted her as my wife since I only Loved Raina. The people of our Kingdom also never accepted Mara as their queen and were loyal towards Raina. Mara wanted to secure her place as a queen and demanded to have a child which I refused.

Mara was very cruel and was jealous of your mother - my only love Raina and when one day she came to know that our first child was to be born she became furious and wanted to harm Raina and our unborn Child. Raina was saved by Semora although we lost our unborn baby; and Mara was banished from the Kingdom forever.

In order to take revenge she lurked in her dark realm for hundreds of years and became more and more powerful. She later married the Hybrid King who was born out of werewolf and Vampire and had the best of both the species. Together they have built up a strong army called Saltons who rule the dark realm waiting to destroy the world ! Now Mara has given birth to Nightfall who is the strongest among all with the power of Vampire, Werewolf and witch and is gifted with the darkest of powers . The prophecy says that there is a Human – an innocent Human who is to be your mate and your daughter Enamor will be the Savior of the world by preventing destructions that the Saltons will cause. You need to find your mate Soon !"