Gordon's Version—

I was sleepless and restless since last two days and couldn't keep her face out of my mind for even a second. " Help" her whisper rang in my ears…" my Prince ?" I kept thinking about why she even asked that? I didn't know where she lived or who she was since I just spent a little time observing her from a distance in the night and what I did rest of the time was just search for my HUMAN MATE.

"Gordon, you are on a mission. You are among humans to find out your mate ! For God's sake stop thinking about that girl and better look for your mate. You have to find her. You have to!" I reminded myself. I felt helpless for not knowing how to find my mate. Only thing I knew was that I would feel a call deep inside my heart ! I don't even understand what that means and what that call would feel like. It has been months I am looking for her.

I sighed deeply staring at the sky sitting on an ancient recliner in the Balcony, when I heard Raymond's voice, "You look sad Master!". Raymond is one of my most trusted servant, Soldier and also my best friend. We have grown up all together and he would accompany me everywhere and would do anything to support me and protect me. Raymond's father was also a brave soldier who died in a war and was very close to my father. In fact he was one of the ministers of the kingdom and their family is pretty well to do and respected in our Kingdom. Raymond is a handsome and tall guy, almost as tall as me with a muscular build which is not as good as mine but is pretty good for a warrior. His complexion is fair and he has a handsome face with golden hair and deep blue eyes. In all he is very handsome and can make any girl drool over in the first few seconds of meeting. He is pretty reserved and emotional. He speaks very less and is completely shied kind, unlike me. He is only 2 years older than me but we are very close friends.

"How many times did I tell you not to call me Master ?" I barked at him.

"Ok. I am sorry. But you know it's the protocol?" He said politely.

"Fuck the protocol and just be my friend! I like it when you call me Don" I said with a smirk.

"As you wish Mas…Don" Raymond smiled and sat beside me on the Chair.

"Hey Ray ! What do you think my Human mate would be like?" I asked suddenly with a spark in my eyes.

"well, if you really ask me, I would say that she will be a very strong and bold lady, fearless but kind, who would stay strong beside you, our future Queen. She will be someone special, someone very different, for she is also the chosen one!" Ray described her and a smile grew on his face. A smile of hope.

I sighed and laid back again closing my eyes.

"what's wrong?" Raymond asked." You seem disappointed!"

"I don't know Ray, there is this girl who left me sleepless, I just can't stop thinking about her. I just wan't to be close to her and protect her. She is so fragile and delicate. But I am supposed to be looking for my mate who I don't know where to find.�� I sighed closing my eyes. " I don't know what to do Ray"

Raymond sat quietly for a few seconds looking at his feet and then spoke finally, "I think you should forget about the girl and look out for your mate Don! I know you are kind and every time you have been in the Human World you have been protecting people since that is your responsibility and I know how much you are sincere about your responsibilities. But the prophecy is the reason we are here in the first place, so better we look for your mate. We only have been looking here in America, what about other continents? Let us go and check other countries, other continents, Oceans or wherever we have to, but we need to find her and you know that better."

" Well , I know that very well, but I don't know how to recognise her! Marshal only said that I will feel a call inside my heart. What the fuck is it supposed to mean. I mean how? I looked away with irritation.

" Whatever it is, either you go back to Marshal and ask for more details or else keep your search on. Am quite sure God has the most beautiful and precious gift as a mate for you! Let us start now." Hurrying Ray pulled me up.

I had no choice but to agree because deep inside I knew that this is the right thing to do. Forgetting about some stranger girl and focusing on searching my mate as soon as possible was the best thing to do and We did.

We left New York and continued our search in other continents. I was hopeful to find my mate soon because if she exists among the humans on this earth, it will hardly take a few months to find her. We Royals can travel in seconds not only from one dimension to another but also from one place to another and also could teleport others along with us. So we teleported ourselves and continued our search in different countries like Hungery, Romania, Chekoslovakia, Italy, Kenya, Zambia, Thailand, Bangladesh, Srilanka, India,...We searched every city, every town, every lane, every house but even after searching for almost another 5 months, we couldn't find her.