Natasha's Version---

My jaws hit the floor when I heard that he is actually a prince and he also regards Mia as his princess and soon she will be the queen beside the young King when he becomes the king! This is all serious !

Is it a fucking dream ? I thought and pinched myself only to jump with pain.

I said apologetically "Sorry, It is too much to take" .. " You mean Gordon, Sorry, I mean your highness…" I started saying but he cut me off midsentence to say " Please don't call me that, call me just Gordon or Don as you are my Princess Rosemia's best friend, I would prefer that".

" OK, as you wish..in fact am little relieved you know… I am not familiar with your ways. Anyways, what I was saying is that you are the prince I completely get it but what is this mate thing?" I asked.

I saw him little taken aback as if I have caught him off guard and he gave a quick meaningful look at Raymond, who just shook his head.

Gordon looked at me and paused for a few seconds, it seemed as if he was trying to frame something in his mind and then sighed and replied, " Well, it's difficult to explain to humans, so I can only say that she is my Soul mate, and we will be together till the end of our lives!"

"Excuse me ! Did you just say explain to Humans? What does that mean? Humans can't be explained to ? then…ummmm….Mia ! I think let us get some Cows, dogs, horses or birds to whom it can be explained! Oh wait! Why don't we try and explain this to the snake in the garden, or may be some cockroaches ? Huh!" I smirked " Come on don't make us fools ok. Is this some kind of joke or what ? disgusting" I sneered.

Raymond immediately spoke up feeling uncomfortable with the way I was speaking, " What Don means is that normal humans…I mean..people, they don't believe in Soul mates and all…so.." He gave a meaningful look at Gordon who immediately added, " Yes, I meant exactly that".

There was silence for sometime as we all started to understand and analyse in our respective ways, the situation. And trust me it was very uncomfortable and awkward.

After couple of minutes, Gordon again spoke up, this timing calling someone by name, " Francis !" . I realised he called the Manager of the Mansion, who appeared within a minute and nodded saying " yes, your highness".

"Please shift Princess Rosemia's stay arrangements to my room."Gordon instructed him but seems he didn't understand a thing about the princess and hence stood like a statue. Gordon understanding his confusion pointed towards Mia and said, " Princess Rosemia my fiancé!"

The manager immediately nodded and left in a hurry and Gordon immediately stood up and started walking holding Mia.. I mean Rosemia ( I have decided to call her now onwards sometimes ) and gently pulling her by her wrist behind him.

I immediately jumped out of reflex and caught her other hand and said adamantly, " she isn't going anywhere. She will sleep with me today". Gordon's eyebrows furrowed and for the first time I saw a very protective and dangerous look in his eyes and did I hear a growl? No, may not be. I continued, " Listen, I understand that you are a prince and all, but we have just heard it. Please understand we need to actually see with our eyes and all. It is the matter of my friends safety and I won't compromise". I stood there now arms crossed.

Gordon rolled his eyes and covered his face with his palms and thought for a few seconds and nodded, "OK. Tomorrow we will leave for my Kingdom". Saying this he looked at Mia and left, may be a little angry and disappointed. Raymond followed him saying " Goodnight ".

I saw Mia staring at the leaving Gordon. She is little disappointed for god knows what! I call to her, " Mia?"…No..No reply, she is still just staring. I call her again this time waving my fingers in front of her eyes, " Miaaaa!" …God ! What will I do with this girl. She is still silent. I shouted " Mia!", she jerked a little and looked at me. I just shook my head and dragged her literally to my room.

I entered my room ,shut the door, and immediately sat on the floor holding my head with my hands.

"God ! What is happening! what is happening and why? Crazy Prince, mate… and now this foolish girl!"

I got up tired and frustrated and walked towards the sofa that was at a side of the room. I sank on the sofa and Mia came and sat beside me. We both sighed and leaned on the sofa looking upwards at the ceiling.

After sitting like that for a while, suddenly I had a thought as I quickly jumped off the sofa and bowed to Mia, saying gently, " Your Highness, PRINCESS ROSEMIA ( little mocking), how may I take care of you?"

She stared at me for a second and then we both started laughing!

We kept laughing and giggling for a while lying now on the floor and then we dragged each other to the bed, where we fell with almost a thud on the soft surface and still continued to laugh for a while.

"The crazy prince is quite a crazy man ya…and that guy Raymond is just a joker.." I said when Mia punched me slightly on my arms making a pout.

"What?" I said

" He is not crazy !" Mia whisper yelled while blushing all the way..

"Yeah ..yeah ..whatever you say your highness" I chuckled.

Then we both stayed silent for a while.

Mia was looking happy but suddenly I can see her face droop, as if with sadness. I wrapped my arm around her turning towards her and asked " what happened Mia? You look sad.."

"I don't know, I think I should check on Gordon.. I..I…miss him" she said the last part like a whisper, may be little embarrassed.

"seriously? So much in a day !" I sneered almost.

Suddenly she got up and was about to leave, when I stopped her and forced her to be on bed.

"you need to sleep Mia, it has been a rough day for you, Please" I said like a mother and she obeyed me. Soon we drifted off to sleep together. However, I couldn't sleep but kept thinking about my prince and my new life.