Ch 3: Yuan, A Thousand Canola Blossoms


Not long after, a loud raspy voice vibrates into the room.

"Yuan Zi Yan!"

Xiu Ying enters the room with two others. A middle aged lady enters the room furiously, followed by an older man.

Yuan Zi Yan? What's with the name similarities?

I swear I have used these names for my novel before. In fact, I chose that name specifically for the villainess in my story.

The beautiful lady from earlier, who I assume is my younger sister, backs up from the scene. After putting on a melancholic expression, she rests besides Xiu Ying.

"You—" the madam points at me as she gets closer, hesitating to speak. She puts her hand over her heart, as if she is running out of breath.

I point to myself with my mouth wide open, "Uh.. me?"

"How dare you try to burn down Xi Ning's room? It is unfortunate that your mother passed away and that your father wedded me, but you did not have to take such extreme act!" She raises her hands to hit me. And a quick second pasts before I feel a sting on my right cheek. The man grabs her arm after she does so.

"Enough!" He yells and the whole room goes silent.

My heart skips a beat. My dad had whup me for pinching another kid's cheeks before, but I had never been hit by a woman.

Old man, why didn't you grab her hand before she hit me! what I want to say.

"Yan'er, you can be upset with father but you cannot put the blame on others. Should you attempt to hurt Ning'er again or cause any trouble, the punishment will be worse next time."

The Madam gave me a death glare before scoffing and leaving the room. Yuan Zi Yan's father trails behind her. Xi Ning stays behind and gives me a porcelain bottle of medicine. "Elder sister, your face now has a mark. Here, use this. It will help you," she whispers before following her parents.

How nice of her. If only her mother is—

Xiu Ying quickly comes to me, trembling. "E-Elder Miss.. do you need any assistance?"

I scan her body language; she is like a little bunny who is intimidated by a predator. I can't help but chuckle, which cause her to tremble even more. I say, "Xiu Ying, did I maltreat you before?"

Xiu Ying quickly bows down and kneels before me, "Servant does not think elder Miss has maltreat me. I have deserve everything!"

Oh lord.. If I have not mistaken, I have guessed right.

First, all of the names match. Xiu Ying, Yuan Xi Ning, and Yuan Zi Yan are all names I have included in my novel. Xiu Ying is the servant of Yuan Zi Yan, who often abuses Xiu Ying physically when she is emotionally unstable.

In my novel, "A Thousand Canola Blossoms," Yuan Xi Ning is the protagonist and female lead of the story. A few days after the Mid-Autumn Festival, she fell in a lake and drowned. That was how a 21st century character was able to transmigrate into her.

Xi Ning is the epitome of femininity and beauty, so when her mother marries my father, I grew— I mean Yuan Zi Yan grew jealous. Yuan Zi Yan had a great zeal to get rid of Yuan Xi Ning no matter what it takes.

On the fated day of the Mid-Autumn Festival, Yuan Xi Ning will encounter the Prince Regent, who will unexpectedly save her from a death trap. All the evidences show that Yuan Zi Yan is the culprit. When she still didn't admit to the plot though, she was declared by the emperor to be sentenced to death. Even to her death, Yuan Zi Yan never confessed her so-called "crime."

Cliché, I know. Phew, that was a long thought.

"Stand up, Xiu Ying," I chuckle as I gently pick her up and pat her on her head. How adorable. "We may have had a rough relationship before, but I wish for us to become peaceful with each other from now on."

Xiu Ying's eyes reflect fragility; she couldn't believe what she is hearing. "Y-Yes Elder Miss," she chokes out a tilted smile.

I sigh.

What will I do now, Good Heavens?