Ch 16: A Letter: Reminiscing You


I take a deep breath as I stare at the jade bottle.

Am I an idiot?

Why can't I stop thinking about him? Is this what the scientists mean when they say your brain is controlled by chemicals?

It must increased levels of Serotonin and Oxytocin, darn me.

I sigh again.

"Elder Miss, you have been sighing frequently," Xiu Ying speaks as she pours some camomile tea for me.

"Have I?" I look out the window; rain is sprinkling outside. The rain droplets fall on the leaves and gradually slip down to the ground. "I wonder how it's been for him."

He did say he will be under a mission in another province.

"For who?" Xiu Ying glances in the direction that I am looking at.

I puck my lips out and shake my head. I cross my arms on the table, laying my head on them.

Perhaps I can write him a thank you letter.

"Xiu Ying, bring me some ink, a piece of paper, and an envelope."

While she grounds the block of ink, I dip the brush in the liquid ink and begin to write.

I still remember some of the basic writings from the pedant. Good thing the Ming dynasty's writings are not remotely different from the current Chinese characters.

I drag the brush on the paper:

Initially, you were a pain in the as-

No. I pick up the paper and crumble it up. Too disparaging.

Hello, Sir Xu. How has it been? I am reminiscing you-

No. I crumble the paper up, setting it aside. Too upfront.

Thank you for the medicine bottle. I have used it all. I hope your arm has healed.

Completed! Simple and concise.

I sign my name on the bottom: Yuan Zi Yan. I take a rouge box, dip the brush in there, and sketch a pink hydrangea blossom next to my name. Bringing the letter to my face, I chuckle foolishly.

I print his name on the front of the envelope. Xu Kai. I fold the letter and squeeze it inside the envelope. I stop and think for a moment.

I chuckle foolishly again and kick my feet in embarrassment.

Seriously, what has gotten into me?

Xiu Ying expresses a broad smile, "Elder Miss, do you favor him now?"

"Favor him not." I exhibit a retroflex, "I just wanted to express my thanks to him. If not, I will become the ungrateful one."

Xiu Ying nods conspicuously, "Right, right."


"Sir Xu, you have a letter."

Xu Kai glances over to the letter and then at Wu Lan Jun, whose hands have the item. "Leave it there," he says.

The brocade clad guard places the letter on the wooden table, next to the stack of books, and takes his leave.

Xu Kai eyes rest on the letter, with his name written in fine writing. He slides the booklet in his hand onto the table and pick up the letter. Opening the letter, he meticulously reads it.

Upon reading the letter, Co-Commander Xu touches the pink hydrangea blossom with the tips of his fingers. He expresses a light smile.

He picks up a piece of paper and begins to scribble something down.

"Wu Lan Jun," Xu Kai beckons for the assistant brocade-clad guard, who immediately enters the tent.

"Yes, Sir."

"Send a box of my usual jade bottles for wounds and this letter to the written name and location."


"He what?"

"Sir Xu sent you a box of the jade medicine bottles. He left a letter for you as well." Xiu Ying gave me the items.

I stare at them in surprise. Well, that was unexpected. Why'd he send so much?

Don't tell me he misinterpreted my letter.. I didn't mean to ask for more powdered medications!

I open the letter, it reads: All is well.

All is well? That's it? I flip the paper to see if anything is written on the back. Nothing. Three words. I smack my forehead.

High hopes can ruin you, Yan Zi. At least he provided medicine powder for you.

I shake my head, "No!"

This isn't right. My initial purpose is not to get involved in these lovey doves things. It's to return back home.

I experience an epiphany that the longer this drags, the more difficult it is for me to return home. A sudden realization appear in my mind.

Li Shi Zhen's pill that can allow me to sleep for eternity!