Ch 21: Exposure, Tears


The winds of instability howl from many directions. I swapped clothings with the clan member but he let out a scream earlier.

I don't have much time. Perhaps someone heard the scream and is already making his way here. I hide the body under the haystack, then exit the room and lock the door.

I can barely see anything outside, apart from the lanterns hung up on thick wooden torches stabbed onto the ground. A few distances to the right lie a line of worn out iron feeding troughs. In the front is a pathway leading to gatherings of tents half a mile away. To the left of me lie an enormous tent three quarters a mile away.

Over the tents, I can see forestry. There may be wild beasts in the forest, but sometimes even beasts can be more negotiable than man. I begin to see crowds of clan members centering around a large fire in the tents that are half a mile away.

Perchance I can blend in with the clans members; although, the figure of this body truly stands out. An amalgam of emotions overwhelm me, mainly apprehension. After sprinting cautiously in the dark for some time, I get closer to the tents that are lit up by torches. It is to my advantage that everyone is dispersed across the place.

The distances between me and some of the clansmen close up as well. My heart is thumping so loud, it blends in with the cacophonous tunes the clan members are playing.

Act like you're just one of them...

I attempt to saunter around one of the tents, but someone grabs me by my shoulders, "Hey, why don't you help us get some wine, puny boy?"

I lost my soul for a second before I speak in my most masculine voice possible, "Y-Yes, Sir. I will be right back." Attempting to continue my path to the forest, I begin to stroll behind the tent to dodge attention.

The man earlier, who I dare not glance at, yields my shoulder. "Your shoulders are very soft. You need to work on your arm muscles," he yells drunkly. A stench crawls into my nose, causing me to cringe. His breath. "Hey! Why aren't you looking at me in the eye? You are disrespecting your senior!"

At that moment, I knew I am done for.

Imaginary tears roll down my eyes.



"Co-Commander Xu, we have tracked this portion of the city. These are the clues noted down," Wu Lan Jin pulls out a piece of paper containing all of the information they have gathered.

"..I should have known. A group who dares to take such bold actions in broad daylight and uses tactics like this.. The Highland Clan," Xu Kai commands for the presence of a horse. His sword is by his side, although he lacks the proper armor for defense.

"Sir, you have not the adequate armor. should I request for other men to-"

Xu Kai mounts the horse, "No. Send a horse carriage after the sun rises."

Soon, Wu Lan Jun can no longer see his Co-Commander. Sighing, he crosses his arms, "His wound has completely opened up and yet he appears just as stable as any man. How unassailable, my lord."


I end up being discovered.

The moment the man demand for me to look at him, his echoing voice attracted a great amount of attention. After being exposed due to my feminine features, I was forced into the enormous tent I saw earlier.

Gosh darn! Is this what people mean when they say beauty is a curse?

I was instructed to change my clothes in the tent and await for their head leader. After I change, the clans member who are waiting outside, stuff my mouth with a cloth, preventing me from yelling.

As expected, this is the tent that belongs to the leader: tiger fur rug, the decent bed, organized accessories, and a collection of animal heads on the tables. As I wait here with my hands and legs tied with triple knots along with four guards outside the tent, I am anticipating my unfortunate fate.

Freaking Xu Kai. Why is he so late?

Ah, yes. I almost forgot—He's wounded.

I sigh for my destiny has been set, as I hear a barbaric laughter outside the tent.

I glance at the entrance of the tent; it is about morning. A ponderous man with a messy beard and disbelieved appearance barges in the tent. "Good gracious, what a beauty. You will accompany this lord!"

I glare at him, not saying anything.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" He approaches me and takes the cloth from my mouth.

"Because you're pitiful," I say as I scoff, upholding a conversation.

His eyes widen as he trembles in anger, "Pitiful?! Me! I have a collection of animals that embody my triumphs. No clan leader is as.. as.."

"Desperate for attention as you?" I exclaim.

His face grows red, "Listen up, you wretch. No one is coming to rescue you, so stop trying to buy time. You will face the wrath of what you said." He laughs and rubs his hands together, slowly walking towards me.

I back up, until I couldn't anymore. I shake my head, "You don't want to do this. If the brocade-clad Co-Commander finds out, he will chop you into pieces and feed you to the sharks!"

He licks his lips and begins to undress, "Little beauty, keep spouting. It is no use." My skin crawls and shiver goes through me with every move he makes.

My eyes begins to pickle and tear up, as I experience intense anxiety. "Please, this is not what you want—"

"Oh, this is exactly what I want," he snatches me when I try to roll and escape away. I bite him on his hand, trying to throw my tied hands at him.

"Feisty, that's my type!" He begins to pull the ribbons on my dress, unfolding one layer of my clothing.

"You Bastard!" I scream on the top of my lungs, with tears causing my vision to become blurry.