Ch 33: Distribution, Little Boy


Sir Xu's gaze rests vacantly at Rong Yi, then deliberately at me. "How do you know I won't take responsibility for her future?"

Ah, this smooth talker—

I wiggle my arms from both of them, "Excuse me, has anyone ask for my input? These arms belong to me, if you didn't know." I rub my arms, hoping to ease the discomfort. "Sir Xu, what did you have to speak with me about?"

"The Emperor was jubilant upon hearing we have figured out the secret behind the villagers' health problems. Now that the predicament is over, the Emperor asks of us to distribute items of food and clean water to the villagers to pay his respects. Of course, he has rewards in place for us afterwards."

My lips curl up, "This is a wonderful opportunity! I am more than glad to be able to be of help. Will we be heading today?"

Sir Xu nods, "Yes. This is an opportunity to meticulously observe for any suspicious occurrences again. But, your servant here.."

"I'm not a servant!" yelps Rong Yi, "I will follow Zi Yan wherever she goes."

The whole ride to the Hubei Province village is awkward, as Rong Yi wouldn't stop staring at Xu Kai's face with aversion.

When we arrive, I notice there are already several tables of food set up. Villagers ranging from youths to elders stand in four separate lines, hoping to receive their share of the food.

General Li, who is helping out with distributing the food, does not notice our arrival. She is occupied with conversing with the villagers. Every one of them thank her after receiving their food.

"General Li!" I holler, smiling.

She notices us and waves, "Time to get to work, everyone. It has been very busy." Her eyes set on Rong Yi, "Who's this?"

Her target grins, "Nice to meet you, General. I am Rong Yi, Zi Yan's betrothed."

I grab him by the back of his white collar, "What did you just say?"

He laughs foolishly while hanging from his collar, "What I mean to say is, I am the twenty fourth disciple of the Xuan Yuan Clan. Nice to meet you, General Li."

General Li chuckles, "You two seem to have a good relationship."

"We should pick up the pace," announces Co-Commander, who picks up his sword. "There are villagers who are awaiting impatiently. Some has even begun to steal from others."

For the next several hours, we proceed to hand out rations of food to the villagers. While the line seems to shorten, it somehow lengthens as more villagers hear about the free food.

There are several other workers who are helping Rong Yi, General Li, and me with the distribution. Co-Commander sets off with several brocade-clad members to investigate any changes in the water supply.

As the afternoon settles and the sky turns deep orange, the line begins to diminish. I carefully wipe the sweat on my forehead with the side of my elbow. I notice we are running low on the food supply as well.

"Thank you so much Young Miss," another old lady says as she bows and takes her portion of the food.

I smile, "My pleasure." Today has its challenges, but it's all worth it. The satisfaction I feel when I help and give to others is incomparable. My line has clear up, but the others and General Li's line is still ongoing. Using a towel, I wipe the messy table clean.

"My steamed buns! Please return them to me!" A little boy screams in agony and grunts in pain.

A distance away, near a broken temple, a little boy is fighting with another group of boys over his share of the food. The leader of the group, I presume, snatches the boy's share and commands the other boys to beat him up.

Such injustice—

I lift up my sleeves, undress the apron tied around my waist, and approach the broken temple. Just before I reach the chaos, I see Sir Xu tap the leader's head with the end of his sword. "Why don't you guys pick on someone your own size?"

The leader glances back in fear prior to beckoning everyone to run. When the crowd of boys fade away, I see Xu Kai pat the little boy's head, gently smiling.

Hmm.. I don't see this side of him often.

The boy, who seems to be around the age of seven, thanks Co-Commander Xu by bowing down. "Thank you so much, kind sir."

I exhale in relief and approach them both, "Little guy, would you like another ration? Your food seems to have fallen to the ground." I point to his three steamed buns, the broken bowl, and the splatter of porridge on the ground.

He shakes his head, "No, it's okay. Mom and I don't waste food. Big sister, you can save the rations for the other villagers." He begins to pick up the steamed buns happily, blowing off the dust and dirt on them.

Xu Kai and I exchange pitiful stares. Poor boy.

"Boy, how is your mother doing?" Xu Kai questions genuinely, bending down to the little boy's eye level.

"Mom is sick, but the food will help her!"

I frown, "We'll get you a new ration of food, kid. Are you okay with guiding us to where your mother is?"

After retrieving more food and following the kid behind the temple, we see a poorly built lodging place. As Xu Kai and I enter the wooden door, we see a woman lying in the bed. In her arms lie an infant, who is wrapped in an old purple blanket.

It is a cramped room, with little space to even move. To the right rest a torn down table and a cabinet. Ten steps in front of us is the hay bed.

"Mom!" He calls out, resting the food on the table. "A lady and sir rescued me today. Liang'er has brought back some food for you and Yan Yan."

The little boy kneels before his mom, tapping her by the arm. "Mom, time to wake up. How is Yan Yan doing?" He leans to stare at the baby, who is strangely quiet. A moment of silence prevails.

Xu Kai takes a step closer to the little boy's mother, reaching his fingers to feel her breath. Then he did the same for the infant.

Sir Xu glances at me, shaking his head in despair.

A sudden urge of sadness manifest within me. The emotional strings cause my eyes to swell in tears. I cover my mouth, with my eyes widen in bewilderment.

They have passed away.