Ch 50: A Present, Longevity Noodles

Quote of the Day:

"Happiness is the absence of the striving for happiness." - Zhuang Zhou


It's me, Yuan Zi Yan again.

Early afternoon right now.

Today is suppose to be the day of Xu Kai's birthday. I have been preparing a gift for him this entire day.

"Miss, you should take a break. Look, almost all of your fingers are bandaged." She sighs, "What should I do with you?" Xiu Ying stands beside me, luxuriating in guilt and indecision.

I brush her comment off, "No worries. I got this," I say as I finish embroidering the piece of linen.

"W-What is that, Elder Miss?" Xiu Ying cannot decipher my mysterious gift. She purses her lips in a prim expression, "Is that a chicken?"

Gasping, I exclaim, "C-Chicken? That is not what I intended."

"What was it meant to be?"

I let out a single dry cough, "A Phoenix."

"P-Phoenix! Phoenix.." She clears her throat, "I-I mean, your progress is better than before."

I exhale sullenly, "It's terrible, isn't it? I have to restart!" While I pick up the embroidery materials again, I ask Xiu Ying, "Can you bring me a piece of paper and ink?"

"Miss, what are you going to write?"

"I will write a letter to Sir Xu, informing him that I have something to speak with him about. I understand he is occupied, so he can take his time. I'll let him know I will wait for him in the Gaijin Longevity Noodle stand."

Xiu Ying nods, "Would you like me to go with you?"

"There is no need, Xiu Ying. I will be fine." I smile, continuing to embroider.

I got this! This is only a simple gift. To celebrate his Birthday.

To thank him for essentially offering me a job. That's all.

Talking about that, I was surprised when I saw trunks of silver and gold delivered to me. I haven't seen that much money, not even in the present.

It sure feels good to earn a decent amount of money based on merit.


It is mid-noon.

Sitting on the wooden seat surrounding the table, I await for Xu Kai. The Noodle Stand Owner, an elderly man, asks if I would like to order anything. I shake my head and smile, "I'm waiting for someone. I will order when he comes."

Xiu Ying said my letter was being delivered by the messenger. I hope Xu Kai sees it soon.

Gradually, the sky turns orange. I play around with his present. People walk by one by one, traveling in groups. Children sing songs while wandering around hand in hand.

Patience, patience.

"Miss, is your friend coming? You have been waiting for quite some time now," the elderly business owner comments.

I laugh nervously, "Yes, he is. I think."

He must be busy. No worries.

I sigh. I lay down on the wooden table, resting the side of my face on my arm. I glance out into the distance, watching as the other stands' sell their products. Watching as couples saunter with their hands intertwined together.

The air is getting cooler. I tap my fingers against the table again. I stand up and stretch for a bit. Continue to sit. Stretch again.

Most stands are beginning to close down now. People pack up their items and begin to head back home. The old business owner informs me that he will soon pack up too.

After seeing the sun set and what seems like an eternity of waiting, I figure I had to return back to the Manor. The streets are almost empty.

I retrieve my present, lifting up my dress and departing from the wooden table.

"Zi Yan," Someone grabs my hand from behind.

I swirl around.


He is panting, out of breath. "Sorry I took so long," he exhales as he releases his hand from mine.

"Were you running here?"

"I rushed back from Jiang Nan."

Jiang Nan? That's very remote from here.

"Sir, you could have sent me a letter informing me you were a great distance away. I would've called this off."

"I thought you had something important to say?"

"Oh, yes! Let's sit first." I take a seat on the wooden seat again. Xu Kai trails and sits opposite of me. I say, "Mister, two bowls of noodles please!"

The business owner replies, "Ay, right on!"

While we wait, I think this is a good time to reveal the present. I take out the custom made belt, "For you."

He glances at me with disbelief, "For me?"

I nod happily.

"Meticulous craftsmen, I see." He takes the belt from my hand and examines it, "A duck? Looks a bit.."

"D-Duck?! That's a Phoenix, SIR!" I reply, crying inside.

His lips broke into a teasing smile, with one corner hinting upwards. "I am jesting with you. Anything you make is to my liking."

"Here are the noodles, customers!" The owner lays two bowls of hot noodles in front of us. We thank him.

"Sir, you've tried Longevity noodles before, right?"

There is an ancient chinese tradition that is still in practice today. Rather than eating a cake, many individuals may be enjoying birthday longevity noodles instead.

He shakes his head, "No."

He lives under a rock!

I begin, "These longevity noodles are eaten during birthdays. They mean 'long-life noodles' and it is believed that the longer the noodles consumed, the bigger the wish for long life. Let's try it out, shall we?"

"Oh, by the way," he points to the items surrounding the Phoenix, "What are those buds?" He begins to slurp his noodles.

I point to the stems that hold clusters of small white and lavender flowers together. I slurp my noodles, "Thwose ah Astilbe flowers."

"Do they mean something?"

A grin graces upon my lips, "Not telling you." Suddenly, I accidentally bite off the strand of my noodle.

"Ah, I win." Sir Xu exclaims proudly.

"Ah.." I say with disappointment. "Wait! Since when was this a competition?"

"It was a second ago," he nods.

"No, that's not fair. You didn't say."

"Well, it's my birthday. My rules."

I scoff, "Sir, you cheater!"