Ch 56: The Photo, A Bet

Quote of the Day:

"The tiger and the lion may be more powerful, but the wolf does not perform in the circus." —Author Unknown


"What kind of sorcery is this?" Rong Yi shakes the pocket watch in disbelief.

"H-Hey! That belongs to my long lost brother.. He lived a good life until a witch trapped his soul within that magical stone," He sniffs.

We all exchange glances. That sounds sketchy and fake.

"Can I see?" I ask. Rong Yi hands me the pocket watch carefully. Uh...



Magic stone? Witch? He can't pull this trick on me. What a white lie!

On one side is the ticking clock. On the other side of the pocket watch is a photo of V from the popular Korean boy band BTS. My roommate used to fan girl over BTS all the time.

I look at the pocket watch. Then at the young man. Then at the pocket watch again.

Disbelief. There is no way a guy like him is interested in BTS.. But then again, from prior experience, BTS turns anyone gay.

"Mister, you are far from home, aren't you?"

The young man's eyes rotates toward my direction, "W-What do you mean?"

Don't tell me.. he read my book and transmigrated into it too?

I inquire, "You transmigrated into my story 'A Thousand Canola Blossom', didn't you?"

He indulges in a state of confusion. Finally, he says in denial, "Your story? Don't you mean.. MY story 'Brotherhood of Blades'?"

I blink. His story? Wait. Don't tell me..

We both exclaim aloud, "Our story clashed together?!"

No way! Is that why the plot is so different?

Xu Kai glances in my direction, "Zi Yan? You guys are acquaintances?"

We both exclaim aloud, "Of course not!"

Later, Scholar Li gathers various herbs, including the poisonous mushrooms that derive from this cavern. Wu Lan Jun keeps note of the intricate system of parts and traps constructed in the pathways.

Soon, the young man named Kun Xiao ends up traveling back with us to the log cabin. He is on the verge of hysteria, as his wrists are tied together and his mouth is stuffed with a dirty cloth. "Pwease! I hav nuthing to do wit dis," he mutters through the cloth.

He saunters near me, "Miss, yu ah in the same situation ah me. Yo understah me if I sahy I was forced to do dis, wight?"

I whisper helplessly, "I mean, I wish I can help.. But sorry. I don't make the choices here."

When we arrive at the cabin, we gather our belongings in the horse carriage again. While we stock up on materials for the way back, Wan'er wanted to speak privately with Sir Xu. Everyone continue to load up our things, apart from Kun Xiao, who is left in the back of the horse carriage.

And me? Well, I wander in and out, circling around and eavesdropping on Wan'er and Xu Kai's conversation. I keep my ears pinned to their dialogue, straining to hear what Wan'er is confessing to the Co-Commander.

The first time: I wander back and forth carrying a stack of hay for the horse. I hear that Sir Xu says he will be away for some time. Wan'er says she will miss Sir Xu once he departs.

The second time: I scurry inside and out the cabin again with a pot of flowers in my hand. I apprehend that Wan'er is swearing eternal devotion to Xu Kai.

That fast?!

The third time: I promenade within the cabin and exit out of it popping candied mountain hawthorn candies in my mouth. This time, I couldn't discern anything apart from the end of their discussion. Wan'er does not seem too happy..


That means Sir Xu rejected her.

Oh, wait. I mean.. I cough.

How unfortunate. What a pity.

I approach Sir Xu, who is making his way back to the horse carriages again. "Such popularity, Sir. You are always rejecting every lady."

"Is that so?" He raises his brows and glances down at me, "You are the only exception."

The corners of my mouth gradually slide upwards, "W-What is that suppose to mean, Sir?"

"You're slow." He picks up his pace, "Hurry, or else everyone will go on without us."

"W-What!" I sprint faster, heading to the horse carriages. Scholar Li bids his last farewell to his Sister, who smiles with a hint of melancholy.

"Take care!" We wave goodbye to her.

After we get back to the city, Xu Kai and Rong Yi are planning to bring Kun Xiao to the interrogation cell. I insist on staying with Xu Kai and Wu Lan Jun in the cell but the Co-Commander replies by saying that I am not suited to be in such a place.

And so, we made a bet. If Kun Xiao still doesn't reveal who commanded him to experiment with the poison mushroom today, Xu Kai will request for my appearance to coax the young man tomorrow.

Xu Kai and the Tenth Prince head towards the direction of the underground interrogation already, along with Wu Lan Jun and the captured Kun Xiao.

Exiting the horse carriage, I say farewell to General Li. She smiles and waves goodbye, "Don't stress too much, Zi Yan. You seemed conflicted the whole ride."

"Much obliged, General. Goodbye for now," I say with a soft grin.

By the time I return to the Manor, I see Xi Ning in the guest room. Master and Madam Yuan are sitting beside her; Madam Yuan is patting Xi Ning's hands with happiness.

Approaching them with exuberance, I chant, "Xi Ning! You're back!"

With a grin, Xi Ning replies, "Yes. I am relieved you are safe, Sister."

Madam Yuan scoffs, "Yan'er, you come and go. Sometimes you disappear for days, even weeks. You do not respect our opinions, unlike Xi Ning."

Xi Ning frowns, "Mother!"

Madam Yuans lets out a heavy sigh while looking at me, "Your involvement in such affairs have besmirched the family's name.. You are lucky you have the Tenth Prince on your side."

"Father," Xi Ning continues, "You do not understand. Elder sister is serving justice."

"Exactly!" It was then my eyes lay on the clothes on Xi Ning's laps.

Baby clothes?