Chapter 6

I crouch down and prepare to fight the on rushing grey dot. On the map the dot shows up 200 meters away and I start to hear the rustling of leaves getting closer every second. My breath speeds up, my heart beat increases, and my adrenaline rises in anticipation for the quickly approaching collision.

In front of me the bushes part and a large grey wolf launches itself right at me. I narrowly avoided its out raised claws by sliding to the right. The wolf nimbly turns back around to make another pass at me. It bares it's fangs and advances slowly. It's paws leave indents in the grass that rise back into shape after its passage.

It lunges at my throat. It is fast but I am faster. I duck to the left and slash my knife down the wolf's side. The injury is not deep and I realize the knife will do little good unless I target a crucial point. I flare my wings and batter it's injured side. My wings are still white, the wolf's blood having no effects on its color. It is forced back a step giving me time to think. The river has ended up at my back.

Using my wings I launch myself into the air. It takes me a second to realize I am flying. It feels so natural. The wind flows under my feathers and I automatically know how best to use the wind.

>upgrade skill [Flying] level 2<

I have no time to think about it as I touch back down on the opposite bank of the stream and the wolf comes running to my new location.

As soon as it's paw touches the water I command the water to form a chain and bind the wolf. The water swirls around the wolves legs and torso links form and ice over. The wolf attempts to continue forwards but is unable. The ice chains hold it firmly in place.

With its muzzle locked together with my ice chains and it's paws tied to the ground it becomes weapon less. It is unable to defend against any of my attacks. I leisurely walk forwards the water soaks into my warm leather boots and base of my jeans.

I grip my knife a little to hard if my white knuckles are to show for it. I angle my knife towards the wolf's throat and quickly cut a clean line through the it's main arteries and vocal cords.

Blood bubbles from its mouth and flows from its throat. The blood falls into the stream and the water turns pink. It is a till held by my ice chains and I double check it is dead before I release my magic. It stand there for a few seconds before it's legs give out and it collapses onto the stream bed.

A notification appears in the top right corner of my vision and the map disappears. I assume that there is no danger within my intermediate area.

>You have leveled up<

>You gained the skill [knife mastery]<

>Skill [Martial Arts] upgraded to level 2<

>Skill [Magic Craft] upgraded to level 2<


Name: Silver

Race: Half Angel (White tern)

Level: 1 ->6

Mana: 570/570 -> 460/780

Health: 130/130 -> 130/270

INT-57 -> 78

AGI-70 -> 124

STR-24 -> 58

DEX-21 -> 55

Equipped :

Wet brown leather boots, blue jeans, white long sleeve shirt, storage ring


Language Translation level 1, Appraisal level 1, Magic Craft level 2 (all elements), Martial Arts level 2, Flight level 2, Item Box level 1, Map level 1, Knife Mastery level 1


I place the wolves body in my [Item Box] and take some time after that to clean up the blood on my once white sleeves. I take my boots and socks drenched from my walk through the water and place them next to the fire that I had relit.

I remove my shirt and stand there my bare skin pricking against the cold wind. I hastily scrub my long sleeve shirt against itself and lament the absence of soap.

{I don't know if I will be able to remove all of the blood stains}

After thoroughly rinsing my top... and my arms in the process I find a low hanging branch and hang it up to dry. The water drips from the sleeves and soaks through the the dirt at the base of the tree.

As I wait for my top, socks, and shoes to dry enough for me to place it back on my body I experiment with my newly acquired [Item Box].

If I think about showing what I have in my item box a screen appears in front of me. There are 78 boxes 3 of which are occupied by mushrooms, my knife, and the wolf I killed. If I think about taking one of my materials out of my item box a pouch appears in any space I want it and I can reach in and take out any of my materials.

If it's anything like the games I played in my previous worlds I can stack up to 99 of the same materials in one space.

I wait patiently practicing my magic craft and manage to upgrade it one level in the rest of the time it takes for my clothing to dry.

I delve deeper into the forest with a new goal in my mind, survive, level up and some day find other beast folk.