13. Youthful Desires: Claiming each other

The heavy doors were closed; the curtains pulled down and covered the windows; it was morning and yet the atmosphere told Colt and Mina it was night.

As the couple had each other in their embrace lay the middle of the bed, their clothes that wrapped their bodies; the clothes that covered their flesh was already on the ground, scattered about, without a hint of organized placement.

Their impetuous actions reflected on their actions. Their eyes met as their bodies momentarily separated.

Colt was atop Mina, his mind was infatuated by her beauty and scent. Every part of her body; every inch that had not been seen or touched by anyone other than him infatuated him; she intoxicated him with her beauty and allure.

His lips met with hers, as he moved his head like a hungry beast trying to devour her everything. Her lips opened, welcoming Colt's tongue that conquered and penetrated her.

Her tongue met with his. Their saliva mixed; their tongues wriggled and embraced; their bodies began to burn from the emotions that continued to well up.

Colt's hands began to move, his fingers began to satisfy Mina's craving down below; playing with her to get her ready for the act of union that is about to come.

The two separated their lips, a connected line of the saliva broke as Colt went to kiss her body. He wanted to eat her whole and leave his mark, he wishes to claim her as his, he didn't want her to leave his side.

He was everywhere, leaving his mark so she would never forget.

Time moved forward, and Mina was sufficiently wet. He guided his fingers down her stomach, tickling her as he reached the funnel-like hole that let the two become one.

Mina did her best to open herself to him.

"Please...do it."

Her warm words echoed in his ears, tickling his desire even further. His youthful desire burst, as he inserted it to Mina.

"UHN!" She pained yet sweet moan escaped from her lips.

She winced at the pain from having to lose her purity; and yet she showed him a smile moments later.

A look of concern flashed Colt's eyes, Mina did not let him speak; using her hands she pulled herself up and sealed his lips. She rested her chin on his shoulders near his ears; her heavy breathing echoed in his ears, amplifying his desire by a notch.

"Don't hesitate, give it to me."

Colt responded to her words, he did not plan to hesitate to begin with as he was already near the end of his wits.

"Mina!" Pushing Mina down the bed, his lower half began to move. Their bodies began to melt onto each other's embrace. Mina clawed Colt's back as she endured the pain.

But soon, the pain disappeared; her body accepted his everything; and she too was intoxicated by the act of making love.

They were finally one and as she held him tighter, her innate desire to have him to herself blossom.

She bit his shoulders; it was deep; as deep as she could go without hurting him. She too wished to mark him as hers so no other could claim him.

In this life Colt was hers; only to Mina.

No one could have him nor could anyone take him away.

Colt felt her desire, and he responded with a deep thrust; a thrust deeper he previously had done.

Mina let out a long moan as her mind felt a shock. Colt could feel he was about to release, it was about time, but he held it in as he tried his best to satisfy the desire of his love.

He knows that as he holds it every time it was about to come, the more powerful it would become. It was painful for her but he wished not only for his pleasure but for hers as well.

And as the two finally met eyes, Mina climaxed and moments later, an iota of second after she did, Colt finally released the deep seethed desire for him to mark even her insides.


A deep and long moan escaped the mouth of the two. Colt held himself up using his arms, as the hot semen flowed inside Mina.

As their sweat permeates the room, and their eyes locked onto each other's Mina pulled him to her and gave a deep kiss.

Colt responded to her desire and so did Mina. As they marked each other with their scents to the core of their very being.