22. I just want to take a bath

The killer of the Ten Thousand; the Lord of the Dead; the torturer of souls; such is the monikers bestowed upon by Avern, who sat before Colt.

'I always thought he would be much flashier than this, seems like his state a year he becomes a well-known Necromancer is harsh.'

Avern was described as someone wearing a black cloak, a black undercoat, black boots, and everything black that is as dark as the night skies. The only thing that wasn't black was the red brooch he kept with him.

That brooch came from his deceased little sister, who died sometime this year. Colt doesn't actually know much about Avern's past because, as of Vol.5, he has yet to be killed by the hero.

The only villains he truly knows about are Vyra and Gilbert, who died at their respective volumes of 4 and 5.

Colt, no, Leo had always found it ironic that a man of death is always getting away from death.

'It's entertaining and frustrating.'

Remembering those days when he wishes for every annoying character to die is somehow irritating him now for some odd reasons.

As Colt continued to stare at Avern, the poor guy lowered his head for feeling inferior towards the handsome noble that is Colt.

'That's also not in the story. Wasn't Avern an arrogant bastard? Oh, how the world works in mysterious fashion.'

In the end, for Colt, it felt surreal. While he was thinking of matters that should not be thought about, Avern finally lifted his head to give Colt a sincere gaze.

"Thank you for letting me ride with you, sir noble…it may be a little insolent of me to ask, but may I know the name of this gentlemanly noble?"

Colt awoke from his daydream, as Avern inquired.

With nonchalance, he answered.

"My name is Colt, and my surname is Edgeworth."

"Ah, so this young master Colt is a noble of the valiant and courageous Edgeworth Family, no wonder you are so kind as to help even someone lowly such as I."

Colt waved his hand to show his disinterest in flattery words.

Avern got the hint, and as he looked around the carriage, he realized one important thing.

"Um, am I allowed to be with you in the carriage, young master Colt? I could have just joined the soldiers in their horseback, no problem."

With even looking at him, Colt answered.

"Your feet are sore, and your body is ragged; I am more surprised that you can say that to me instead of sleeping. No one is stopping you from sleeping; you know that, right?"

Those words caused Avern's body to ease up slightly, and as he did so, his tense body began to feel weak and soon collapsed on the soft chair of the carriage. Because there are no rocking and the regulated temperature inside giving maximum comfort, Avern fell asleep as soon as he eased up.

"He's much more battered up than I had thought."

Colt quietly noted as Mina got up from her seat. She walked up to the sleeping Avern and was just about to heal him out of goodwill to the poor fellow when she suddenly turned around to Colt.

"I just want to heal him, okay?"

"Yes, I understand."

She just had to confirm her intentions right before healing Avern. After confirming things with Colt, green light emerged from her palms, and the fatigue that had built up on Avern's body disappeared slightly.

It was the same spell Mina uses when Colt trains with Neun.

There are six kinds of magical elements; Fire, Water, Earth, Wind, Healing, and Dark.

Out of all these magical elements, Healing and Dark are the most versatile and sought after. Coincidentally, the two people in front of Colt possesses the most sought-after elements.

Night came to be, and finally, Avern opened his eyes. When he did so, the light in the carriage was already turned off, and no one was present. A fragrant scent wafted over to his nose as the food cooking outside reached him.

He stepped out and saw the camp of the group. Everyone was mostly done eating, other than Colt and Mina, everyone had already finished their meal, and as he smelled the food, his stomach demanded food.

But he was too embarrassed to just walk over and say, 'Please give me food.', he had earlier thought that he would help out with cooking, but it seems like it was not needed.

Thankfully, he didn't need to ask for food as Colt saw him and invited him over to eat.

"Come, Mina had cooked a lot of food; you should ear before I finish it all."

Avern ate a spoonful of the stew, and his face instantly beamed.

"It's good, isn't it?"

Colt was the first one to speak. The cold demeanor he previously sported was no longer present, thus giving Avern a much better impression of Colt.

And as he nodded his head, Mina, who was on the side, was nodding her head as her smile was reaching her ears. She was satisfied with Colt's compliments.

Colt's tone of voice was more jovial than usual. The only time he is like this is when he is in the face of food. Mina liked him acting this way, so she is trying to better herself in terms of cooking skills. She plans on surpassing the head chef of the Edgeworth family, so no one will be able to contest for the love of Colt's stomach.

Going back to Avern, he accepted Colt's offer and received a bowl of Ferios Stew.

Ferios is actually a magical beast that is bred to be food.

Colt has yet to know what a Ferios is, but it was tasty as hell, so he doesn't really care, and he trust Mina won't try and poison him, so who gives a damn, really?

By the time Colt finished eating, the pot was already cleaned off by him and Avern, and as he rested for a bit, he began to converse with Avern.

"So, what are you doing here? If you are traveling, I doubt you have no horse, the town before here and the capital is three days away by horse, don't tell me you walk all the way here to the capital?"

Avern scratched his head as he embarrassingly nodded his head.

"I did walk; I have no horse, nor do I have money to rent one, but I needed to go to the Ferum Valley to find this."

Taking out a pouch, Avern showed Colt a red flower that resembles that of a crystal.

Its ten petals were like rubies, its leaves like emerald, and the stem was like sapphire. This flower in his hand is a Fairy Flower, a rare kind of flower that can regulate or awaken the mana in the body of a Mage.

It was an unbelievable item that is sought after by every noble and seeing Avern taking out such a treasure was rather bizarre, outlandish even.

"You're taking out such an item? You're pretty brave, do you not fear I won't take it away?"

"…If the young master was interested with it, the lady with you should have already sensed the mana fluctuations with me and took it while I was asleep or even before that."

"You got me there."

The Fairy Flower is a special kind of treasure that rarely appears, it has a specific kind of mana fluctuations that mages senses even from afar and indeed, Colt had already known of it since he was informed by Mina.

"So, where are you going to use that? I heard your sister need it as medicine?"

"Yes, she is currently undergoing awakening process and if I don't take this home soon, I don't know if I'll be able to see her…alive when I get back, so I am thankful that you are giving me a ride."

Avern clenched his fist as he spoke these words. Colt didn't miss that and stood up.

"Where do you live?"

It was a sudden question that caught Avern off-guard, but he still answered with honesty.

"In the common area of the Capital, young master Colt."

With that in mind, Colt walked away with his training sword in hand. Avern watched as Colt conversed with the Vice-Captain moments later and pointed at him a couple of times.

By the time, Colt finished talking with the Vice-Captain, an announcement was made.

"We are to leave at 3:00 am sharp! Sleep now and those on guard duty shall watch over us until then!"

Avern looked at Colt holding his training sword pass by him as if nothing just happened.

Avern approached Colt as he asked.

"Young master Colt, did you do this because of me?"

Colt once again returned to speaking in a cold tone of voice.

"I just wish to take a bath quicker, don't mind it."

As Colt walked away from him, Avern looked at his wide back and bowed deeply without saying anything.

This gratefulness shall be etched in his heart.