104. Unexpected

"Mistress Mina, what are you doing with the Young Misses!?"

Mina could hear the loud cries of a maid. Meekly opening her eyes, she saw a maid trying to assist her to stand up.

"What are you doing, Mistress? You are a pregnant woman; how can you act in such a reckless manner? Lessa, Issa take the Young Misses to bed. Dear Goddesses, what are you doing?"

She was Helia, a 45-year-old Head Maid of the Edgeworth. She was a mature and strong woman and had a background in medicine.

She is the second-in-command when Neun is out. It is rumored that she is in a secret relationship with Neun, but that still unconfirmed.

Helia is a strict woman, but she's as respected as the Countess. After all, Helia had been following Faerith since she was a child even after Faerith married into the Edgeworths, she dustily followed without question.

After the previous Head Maid of the Edgerworths passed her prime, it was Helia who took over and managed the duties with the Countess.

"You are as reckless as the Countess,why are the women I take care of acts like so!?" Helia was in the middle of trying to lecture Mina when she noticed an important feature. She sighed as she ordered the maids, "Go fetch hot water and a towel."

"…We already brought that with us, Head Maid."

Helia felt the irritation coming up from the bottom of the pit, "Goddammit, read between the lines. I mean, go and leave the room; I'll take care of everything!"

"Hii, yes, Head Maid."

The berated maids scuttled out of the room, leaving Mina and the two still sleeping children.

Helia went to get the warm water and towel to wipe Mina's body and face.

"Thank you, Head Maid," Mina said amidst the silence.

"It's my job, Mistress." she unfeelingly said while cleaning the tears stains on Mina's face.

Helia need not ask, not because it would be disrespectful but because she already knew the answer. She had already seen this when Faerith had to wait for Shickly's return from war��the stress and worry do pile up, and it breaks anyone down.

Helia examined Mina's body and her conditions and confirmed everything was in good health. She is the one in charge of Mina's examination, just as she was the one in charge of Fearith.

An hour or so later, it was already 7:00 in the morning. Helia wanted to wake up the kids, but Mina stopped her from doing so, saying, "It's fine, let them sleep a little longer for today. I'll be the one to wake them up and prepare them for the day."

Helia wanted to argue, but he couldn't. She can see something very genuine behind Mina's eyes like she wanted to spend more time with her daughter like she wanted to spoil them and give them what it is that they want.

Though it's clear that Mina had mellowed out, seeing her act like this was mind-boggling. For those who adopt a child, they say they accept a child, but there will always be a wall present.

And yet Helia, can't see that wall.

'…' She left with a pleasant smile.

Just like that, the passing days arrived.

Before anyone knew it, the last day of the month arrived.

The war on the southeast has yet to be concluded, heck, it has yet to start.

Only small-scale skirmishes are present. Both sides are probing the other, trying to see how they will react. War does not merely happen and end. A war may take a whole year without anything major happening.

A spark must ignite the hearts of the soldiers, and intent must be created to fuel conflict.

However, that flare is yet to be found. However, the Edgeworths are not in a hurry. They are only watching the enemies make their move.

The only thing they are doing actively is preventing the enemy from hunting large scale beasts to feed on.

A Tiger must wait for the optimal time to attack, and at the moment, the Count is waiting for the enemy to starve.

Once ration becomes scarce, then many openings would appear. In some wars, no blood needs to be shed. One needs to be patient and sleep it out to keep the mind as calm as possible…well, maybe don't just sleep all day, that's only the Count.

Back in the Edgeworth Fief, the bustling city is the same as ever. Though the commerce is no longer as lively because of the lack of Magical Beast Meat being brought from the Magical Beast Forest, it was bustling and vibrant nonetheless.

In the Edgeworth Manor, it was the same as always. The presence of the men is nowhere to be found, and the children are learning a lot.

It was one in the afternoon; the sun was up, but the pleasant wind compensates for its faults. The Edgeworths are making their preparation to leave for the Light Orphanage.

Lyra, Risa, and Countess Faerith are all going to take a walk around the city before heading to the orphanage for tea.

It was Lyra's first time participating with the walk, and she was incredibly excited about it. This was weird because for an Edgeworth to be energetic is the same as having Risa voluntarily go to school. It was near impossible.

It appears that Lyra either didn't inherit the laziness in her blood, or Filla and Hylda just rubbed off her to become energetic.

The Countess was leaning on the former. Filla is also an Edgeworth and Filla is nothing like Risa or the Count, she determined that it must have been Hylda that brought about this change.

'She's a godsend to this family.' Is what the Countess thought, 'Should I have Risa play with the children?' She honestly considered this idea.

While Countess celebrates Lyra's change for the better and reprimands Risa actually to change, Mina, Filla, and Hylda boarded a carriage that will take them to the Light Orphanage.

Mary Courtgain was with them as an acting bodyguard.

"Are we ready to leave now, Mistress?" the coachman asked with a smile.


With that, the carriage left. They left with no guard, for they will only make the atmosphere of the city tense, ruining Faerith's and the others' hard work.

The guards saw off the carriage. The gate behind the carriage closed.

While heading to the Light Orphanage, Hylda gathered her courage to ask a selfish question to Mina.

"Mama, when can I get a Soul Partner? I already unlocked my Aura, and I just thought it was about time, oh, but we don't need to get one so quickly. We can wait for later, I just...!" Hylda instantly tried to retract what she had said.

Hylda was still very embarrassed to ask for herself. So much so that she couldn't even ask for a Soul Partner that she needs.

But Mina gently placed her hands on the embarrassed Hylda with a smile, "You don't need to be embarrassed asking for something so minor. What, do you want to find a Soul Partner now? We can get one from a shop. We just need to make a quick stop."

"Really? AH! Then…um, if that's the case, then, can I request to have one for when Father comes back?"

"That is not a problem. We'll find one once Darling comes back."

Hylda happily threw her fist up in happiness. Then, the carriage stopped without reason.

"Huh? Is something wrong?" Mary asked the coachman as she opened the window.

"Miss Mary, the thing is that someone is blocking our path. I've asked him to move, but he wouldn't step aside." The coachman answered, exasperated about the current situation.

Noting the coachman's tone, Mary deduced that whoever it is blocking their path, then it must be someone who is too stubborn.

She sighed and decided to step out of the carriage. In the middle of the road, there was a white-haired man staring at the carriage with a smile on his face.

The coachman who had already been exasperated by the situation growled at the man, "You lunatic, get out the road! Do you know who you're blocking!?"

The white haired-man ignored him. This serve only to ignite the burning hate the coachman have with the white-haired man, "Why you little…"

"Mister Coachman, please stop with your words, there are children inside."

"Ah! My apologies, Young Miss."

The coachman apologized.

Mary turned her attention to the white-haired man, "Sir, would you please step aside? We only wish to pass so that we can go to our destination."

Mary didn't sound condescending nor commanding. Her tone was natural and was passive, it was not unlike how a noble should speak.

Her flamboyance had slightly lowered since she had stayed with the Edgeworths.

The white-haired man finally responded with a deep sigh, "Beautiful lady, I am afraid I cannot do that. At least, not yet, oh wait, it seems like I'll be moving soon, don't worry."

"What do you…" Mary was bewildered and confused. But then, inside the carriage, Mina's mind was jolted awake, a large amount of mana was gathering on the direction manor's direction.

"Oh no."


A large explosion devoured the manor from afar. Mary quickly turned her back only to see a tower of black smoke rising to the skies.