112. End of the Day

The wind was passing, and the birds, both ordinary, and beast alike, were making way for the Lunar Roc that's cutting through the wind in a fast pace.

The Lunar Roc's beauty was accentuated by the moon. Its deep blue feathers were awe-inspiring.

However, its majestic aura could be reached as it had a swollen cheek and a round bird sitting on its head with its feathered wings crossed.

Sister Mary was confused seeing this. Her Roc was a Beast that is unmatched in the skies, and yet it was almost slapped to death by a mere chick.

Her mouth was opened wide. But then, she came to a realization, "I see, the Great Apostle is truly someone who is favored by the heavens. Even your Soul Partners are out of this world!"

Sister Mary was in awe.

Colt wanted to correct her, but he gave up. He already tried once, and this woman doesn't seem to give up.

'Sigh, who gives a crap anymore. She'll realize how wrong she is after some time.' Thought Colt as he felt helpless with the situation.

But little did he know that the silence he gave was enough to cement the thought to Sister Mary. He managed to shot himself on the foot by trying to get away from it.

Then, as Colt and the rest were flying over to the Wing City, Mina, who had silent all this time, managed to form a question, "What is she talking about, Darling?"

Colt didn't bother hiding the truth from her, "I asked the Goddesses for your location, and apparently, that's enough to make her think I'm their Apostle or something. Sigh, it's not something I want. I don't want to be involved with those guys."

Colt had been to the higher realm; he had seen what's going on up there. Those three rarely works, and they spend their time playing mahjong. They also spy on people…which, now that he thinks about it, is not that bad, 'They did help me...so I'll forget the mahjong incident.'

He then snuck a peek at Mina.

Mina grew silent at the mention of Goddesses. She remembered the talks and praises of people in the many cities she went to. Though they have different cultures, there is one sentiment they share, the Goddesses' beauty were unparalleled.

Mina pounced at Colt and pinned him to the back of the Roc after handing the sleeping Filla to Sister Mary. Her eyes that had shown fear earlier was now showing hostility. She is a loyal wife and lover. She will never hurt…I mean, kill her beloved, but she at least knows that punishment must be met to teach him not to mess up—or else it could get messy.

"Tell me, are they pretty? Did your heart skip a beat when you saw them? Did you!? Did you!?"

'Oh shit, she's acting up again.'

Colt looked at Sister Mary, asking for help, but she was too enthralled even to say anything.

Colt had both his wrists pinned, and Sister Mary, who was holding Filla, watched in anticipation for Colt's answer. The doctrine of Goddess Root was being carefree—it doesn't prohibit doing actual work.

Knowing of Mina's disposition, Colt knews that she can somehow peer into his mind.

Despite everything else, she can tell that Colt is lying or not.

It used to be not that accurate, but as time went on, Mina had picked up the subtlest of expressions that he makes. She was now a master at reading Colt.

Even Fluff can't save him now. Thus, Colt used what most men use only when in situations where their girlfriend or wives corner them to the point of no return — he spoke of the truth.

"Yes, they were gorgeous. And indeed, my heart did skip a beat multiple times." Colt had no choice.

Mina felt her heart take damage.

Colt is an honest man. At least in front of Mina.

Men, in general, are not liars by default. But, there are times when they must lie. In most cases, it is seen as deplorable and distasteful, but in some cases, it's understandable, in the eyes of other men at least.

One of those few occasions would be when one's woman asks if their lover sees another woman as beautiful or attractive. That is when most men lie. No one can answer that truthfully without getting some sort of backlash. It's near impossible.

But not Colt, he can't lie or else that's going to become a bigger problem.

Mina became downcast, but her grip mysteriously grew stronger. Her eyes were lonely, and yet it was full of vitality.

"I see they were beautiful enough to make your heart skip a beat, huh?" she said as a smile crept up.

Colt knew of this; it was becoming more and more problematic. Thus, he activated his card. He got close to Mina and whispered to her ears.

"My heart skipped a beat when I was attacked by the Goddesses to hide their embarrassment. And it also skipped a beat when I felt like my anger will burst as the Goddess Root and Goddess Darkness cheated me in a game. But most of all, my heart skipped a beat the most when they showed me your and Filla's image of having been injured.

"My heart was in trepidation as I saw you and Filla, my worry over your safety, weighs heavier than any emotion I have felt for them. That's when I knew that my love for my family tops everything, and everyone, including even the highest power, is only second."

Mina felt Colt's heartfelt confession. Touching his cheeks, Mina embraced Colt.

Colt heaved a sigh of relief, 'Finally, it's…'

"But you did find them beautiful." Mina secretly whispered.

Colt, at this point, can only laugh. But it was weird for he didn't feel that this kind of relationship is wrong.

He found this reaction from Mina to be expected compared to her subdued self. In the end, Colt fell for Mina, whose love for him is deadlier than any sword.

Colt smiled in relief. He found peace in the embrace of his jealous soon-to-wife. Sister Mary, on the other hand, was left in the dark.

The secrets of the Goddesses didn't reach her ears. But as she can only imagine what kind of wondrous and majestic secrets they held. In the end, however, when it all came down to it, Sister Mary's thoughts and curiosity towards Colt had a limit.

And as they reached Wing City and landed a few hundred meters from the City Gates.

"Young Master Apostle, this is where I'll split with you."

"Hmm? Why so? We can enter together, and the city will see you as a hero who helped me saved Mina…now that I think about it, you and Teacher did most of the work. I only took care of the small fry. So, why not enter together with us? I'll give you a hefty reward."

Sister Mary shrugged her shoulders at his words, "Young Master Apostle may be someone I, from the Dracian Fate wants to follow, but, in the end, I want to live my life without worry. I only helped you because I was in a state of shock and because Filla and Mina were taken, otherwise, I wouldn't even get involved with these matters.

"Also, I just realized that I've been acting like a fool as I stay longer by your side, and I'm suspicious if this is the power of a Goddesses Apostle?" Sister Mary didn't care about the amount of life she reaped.

She's a nun, that's a normal thing.

But after going through her memory when she was with Colt and how she was acting, the more she realized how ridiculous she was acting that it made her almost want to punish herself, "I know I'm not the brightest, but I don't think I used to act like this. So, I'm not going to go with you. But Mina, you can go and come to the Orphanage to have tea. Bring some pudding next time, okay?"

Sister Mary demanded before leaving. Mina and Colt stared at Sister Mary, who called back the Lunar Roc and snuck back to the City.

'I still don't get that Nun.' Colt commented as he sighed, "So, shall we return?"

Under the full moon, the guards saw Colt and Mina's figure, and quickly, they raised the alarm letting everyone know that the Young Master who suddenly disappeared came back with his beloved and daughter.

Quickly, the alarm was raised. Colt and Mina were met with the guards and was quickly assisted inside.

With Colt being topless as he had given his top to Mina for her to cover skin, his bare body was filled witnessed by many.

With his chiseled body the guards remembered the rumors of Colt being the Hidden Dragon of the Family.

Now, they finally truly believed those rumors.

Rescuing his fiancée single-handedly without even a hint of being injured, in their eyes, at this moment, Colt was a hero.

With their arrival, Countess Faerith rushed to the gates. When she saw the two, she opened her arms wide and run to them for a hug.

Colt opened his arms only to be ignored.

"Mina, Filla, you're both all right! Thank the Goddesses."

Faerith hugged Mina and took Filla in her arms.

Mina nodded her head, "Yes, we were saved by my Darling and Butler Neun…" She wanted to mention Sister Mary but remembered her distaste for attention.

She kept silent about her.

Mina explained what happened and mentioned how Colt came with Butler Neun and faced the enemy. The reason she gave on how they were found was simple. Butler Neun used his nose.

When Mina explained it like that, Faerith nodded her head and accepted it as is.

Faerith assisted Mina and Colt, who must have been exhausted from their travels to the most prominent inn of the City. Faerith insisted on taking care of Filla to let the two get some goodnight sleep.

Mina went to take a bath, and Colt looked over at the city with a distant gaze.

When Mina returned, she was wearing a nightgown. Colt went to clean himself up, and when he returned, he found Mina on the bed, sleeping.

He lay down by his side, touching the belly she so dearly protected. It was then that Colt heard Mina talk in her sleep.


That night, Colt felt the need to grow even stronger. That day finally came to an end.