
chapter 29

I was currently in my workshop that was presented to me by the association, only a basic workshop is offered to most of the students who pay enough money for this, students are given a certain level of confidentiality, at least not monitored.

Since gluttony is my closest sin, I must catch him first, although I am surprised why there are only 6 sins instead of 7, but this does not mean that I complain.

In any case, earlier in the day, I requested leave for an unlimited time from the clock tower, and I also applied for a pre-graduation request, I have been a student for only two years and barely offered above-average results, and they will most likely think that I am tired or injured Bored just before agreeing, not as if they care anyway, after all I'm just a person with above average capabilities, the only notable thing is the dynamic circuit configuration that gives me more effectiveness in regenerating the od.

There is one more thing. In the past few months, I made a black grail of the grail pieces that I collected at the end of the Fourth Holy grail War, and I also made a similar armor to Victor von Doom's armor from storyboards. I wanted to give him a great name, but I ended up calling it a Doom armor only.

The black grail does not have any uses currently, but it can still be used to convert ordinary servers into their alter form, or by making new command seals, and it can be used as a lower or lesser grail to call the greater grail, and also, it can be used to output angra mainyu which is in the process of Switching to the deamon in the Holy Grail, all thanks to the fact that the Grail is connected to angra mainyu.

As for the Doom armor, I made it similar to the original Marvel armor, entirely from Mithril, with a high-quality jewel in the middle of the chest in which the energy stored can be used to attack or defend, and I have added many magical improvements, such as an enhancement of durability, strength, and agility, And reduce weight for the wearer, and the armor can repair itself and amplify the magical attacks of the wearer, not only this, but I put on it medea's special reinforcement magecraft, which doubles the wearer's physical strength five times as long as there is remaining energy in the jewel, and when worn From magical and physical resistance of one rank, the armor can completely hide the wearer mana as long as he is not in a combat position.

And I added to him several runes, such as Ehwaz that increase the hardness of the shield, and kenaz that increases the wearer's visibility, runes that increase speed, in addition to tracking runes and sowilo and ansuz in order to add immediate fire attacks, and runes to absorb mana from the air Most of these are ancient runes similar to those used by cú culainn and scathach, unfortunately I have very little knowledge of ancient runes.

Not only that, the armor itself is self-contained and as long as the jewel is in the center of the chest, even if the rest of the shield is destroyed it will be repaired over time, and I can also mentally control it from a distance, so in fact, I built a war machine, and as long as enemy did not know the armor's weak point, so he will wait for it either a painful defeat, or death.

I have opened my case.

[Name: Victor von Doom.

Level: 72

Title: Survivor, Monster Hunter II.

strength: 31.2

Body: 28.5

agility: 28.9

Mind: 3.1

Spirit: 25.4

Statistics points: 91.

Number of circuits: 20.

Circuit quality: A +++

Capacity: 20 x 250 = 5000.

Composition: dynamic.

Origin: Determination.

Elements: fire, ether, time, space.

sorcery trait: None.

Skills: Observation, magecraft A +, Rapid reflexes A, mystic eyes of death perception A, Psychology A, Marksmanship A, present concealment A +, librarian of stored knowledge C, magic resistance B, eye of the mind (true), eternal arms mastership A +, protection of the fairies A, high-speed divine words A, item construction A, territory creation B +, High-Speed ​​Incantation A, clairvoyant C.

perks: Eidetic memory, fourth Wall, gamers luck, Mental Interference, fast learner, infinite potential, the unequal exchange, anabolic resistance, unspecialized.

NP: kazikli bey (B), zabaniya: Delusional illusion (B +), gae buidhe (B), knight of owner (A ++), rule breaker (C), the dark grail (-), rhongomyniad (EX), Avalon (EX).]

Compared to the end of the Holy Grail War, I was currently much stronger, although my physical statistics are barely in the C rank but this is without relying on Reinforcement magecraft or my armor or combat method that integrates opponent's strengths into my style and using their weaknesses against them, And this, of course, without counting all my other skills that passively enhance my physical and mental attributes, and all my magecraft spells.

My magecraft was in the A + rank, the skill counted my prowess and my strength in using modern magecraft and not the number of spells or knowledge that I collected, so in fact the power of my magecraft is equal to the true magic, and this is without counting that I have magecraft from the age of the gods that I got from Media, who in turn is as powerful as the true magic, while Rapid reflexes of Class A enhance my reactions and at my current level I can enter into a prolonged state of slowing down time.

The marksmanship represents my versatility in using firearms like pistols and rifles, while high-speed divine words and High-Speed ​​Incantation give me the ability to throw most spells by saying a single quick word.

Territory creation and item construction give me the ability to make mystic codes and the ability to use an area for me, such as how Medea converts the Ryoudou Temple to her own area to absorb Mana from the ley lines.

While clairvoyant is the skill that I acquired by practicing archery, at its current level I can hit a target 4 kilometers away.

At the age of only sixteen, but I am already one of the most powerful creatures in the world, perhaps the people who can compete with me are the gods, the true magicians only, and maybe some aliens and ultimate ones, and even at that time I can use my noble phantasms to gain the upper hand .

However, Victor, you should not be arrogant and lazy, remember, you must stay determined, and always move forward without looking back.

Now, increasing my physical attributes does not make sense for them because I can increase them through training, and I can also display a higher physical strength than what my statistics show, while I will not increase my mind because, the speed of processing my natural mind gives me superior intelligence, without counting the fragmentation of thought and the acceleration of thought.

Leaving me with one option, spirit, I initially thought her job was to increase the quality of the circuits and increase my talent, but in reality, even touko oazaki who also has 20 circles with quality EX ranks, barely has about 2000, while I own 5,000 With lower quality.

But now I'm sure it strengthens the soul itself, for example, human souls are weaker than heroic spirit, and they all go to the root after death, while evil spirits and ghosts are copies made of ether and magical energy for some reason after a person's death.

Of course, a person's soul can be stored in magical ways, but it will either turn into an evil spirit as well or slowly fade to the rout, of course there are safer ways like how ereshkigal stores souls in the underworld.

When I raise my statistic of my soul, all aspects of my soul will be increased including its strength and intensity in addition to my magic talent and the quality of my circuits, and it gives me an amount of OD greater than I should have because my soul is very strong, at my current level at 25 points, maybe my soul is stronger Than most heroic spirits.

I added all of my points immediately in the spirit, since it is the only logical choice, and it is also the only statistic that I cannot increase by training regardless of the mind.

[Name: Victor von Doom.

Level: 72

Title: Survivor, Monster Hunter II.

strength: 31.2

Body: 28.5

agility: 28.9

Mind: 3.1

Spirit: 116.4

Statistics points: 0.

Number of circuits: 20.

Circuit quality: EX.

Capacity: 20 x 11640 = 232.800.

Composition: dynamic.

Origin: Determination.

Elements: fire, ether, time, space.

sorcery trait: None.

Skills: Observation, magecraft A +, Rapid reflexes A, mystic eyes of death perception A, Psychology A, Marksmanship A, present concealment A +, librarian of stored knowledge C, magic resistance B, eye of the mind (true) , eternal arms mastership A +, protection of the fairies A, high-speed divine words A, item construction A, territory creation B +, High-Speed ​​Incantation A, clairvoyant C.

perks: Eidetic memory, fourth Wall, gamers luck, Mental Interference, fast learner, infinite potential, the unequal exchange, anabolic resistance, unspecialized.

NP: kazikli bey (B), zabaniya: Delusional illusion (B +), gae buidhe (B), knight of owner (A ++), rule breaker (C), the dark grail (-), rhongomyniad (EX), Avalon (EX).]

When I put them fully, I felt the sharp pain coming from every magic circuit in my body, and I also felt as though my 'soul' had been fully opened, but this feeling only lasted for a moment before it disappeared.

I stood shokely, I was feeling now, like I was swimming in the water, I moved my hands in front of me in front of me and felt that the world's mana was attracted to me automatically, as if I could manipulate it, but I did not realize until only a few seconds before this feeling disappeared.

this amount of magical energy. Fortunately My ring shows that I only have 600 units.

and, I will use a shape shift spell on me until I finish this mission, I don't want anyone to actually 'know' me.