
chapter 36

[You have completed main mission: the unholy sins of humankind.

Description: In order to spread ruin and sin among humankind, Satan Mephisto created six powerful creatures to do work for him.

Subject: Hunt and kill each one of them.

Goal 1: Kill wrath in the African desert.

Goal 2: Kill sloth in Greece.

Goal 3: Kill the lust in France.

Goal 4: Kill greed in America.

Goal 5: kill gluttony in London.

goal 6: kill Envy in America.

Rating: perfect!

basic reward: 20,000,000 exp.

bonus reward: 3 x Rank Upgrade Card.]

[You have reached level 90!]

[total statistical points: 36.]

[You can choose 3 perks!]

[Rank upgrade card: A single-use item that can be used to raise a noble phantasm's rank once.]

This bonus is very good, especially since I now have 36 points for free use, and I can choose 3 new perks, but currently I will upgrade my noble phantasms in order to prepare for confronting pride, I really hope it is as strong as gluttony says, although I love the fact that I A little strong, but the fact that I never had opportunities to use my true strength before still bothered me.

In any case, most of my noble phantasms either have their rank does not matter or their rank EX is like rhongomyniad and avalon and opponent strength, so the noble phantasms worthy of promotion are knight of owner and metal dragon force, regardless of these, there is also the law of nature, and although people with high magic resistance can resist it, no one can really escape from its effect.

single temptation was not worth upgrading either, first, I don't think there is a difference between the E and the D ranks, and secondly, the opponent's temptation in combat will only make him realize that I used some skill to make him fall in love with me and this will not be good, third, I do not I really count on seduction to win.

The apocalypse's curse is not an option either, since I am a human and not a creature designed to preserve the scales of nature like demons, the beginning of the end of the world will make me an enemy of both Gaia and Alaya, and although I am stronger than most heroic spirits and the counter guardians, I am I do not think that I can defeat an army of heroic spirits that are not restricted by the system of classes.

Of course, some servants are stronger than their originals, such as the fact that the deamon angra mainyu inside the Holy Grail is much stronger than the heroic spirit angra mainyu found in the throne of heroes, of course I just can't say this because there are different versions of heroic spirits.

Like the fact that the soul of the dead saber within Avalon that is inside, of course there is a copie version that made in her deatj in the throne of heroes, but the original Pendragon Artoria is inside me, heroic souls are not obligated to go to the throne of heroes, so even though the true heroic spirit Artoria exists inside, However, a copy was made after her death on the throne of the heroes, which is similar to the case of prillati.

There are also people like scathach and merlin who have never died but who have become heroic spirits due to people's belief in them, and in both cases it is possible to summon both Arturia or scathach or merlin when certain requirements are met, which is why Arturia was summoned from Avalon in the fourth holy war .

However, going back to the topic, metal dragon force is a good choice, not only that it makes noble phantasms under the B rank useless, but there is a small percentage to canceling the effects of the B rank because wrath was not affected by my gae buidhe, however I will not upgrade it Because there are much better versions like god hand: the twelve labors.

On the other hand, knight of owner is a very good choice, in its current level any weapon I carry including vehicles and tools like wooden and metal sticks turns into a noble phantasms of the D rank, and any noble phantasm that can be carried like rhongomyniad gets a slight boost in Its total strength when using the knight of owner.

In the end, I decided to use a single rank upgrade card on the knight of owner and keep the two additional cards in case I received a noble phantasms worth the upgrade in the future.

[Name: knight of owner.

User: Lancelot, Victor von Doom.

Type: anti-unit.

Rank: EX.

Range: 1.

maximum number of targets: 30.]

Although the description didn't say much, I, as the owner of ability, could have known its real changes, every weapon I held in my hands would become a Noble phantasm of the C rank, while in the case of holding a noble phantasm even if it was at the EX rank, all his abilities would be strengthened by at least twice , Well, knight of owner promotion was a very good choice.

Now, my sixth feeling that works with instinct and the eye of the mind (true) as well as many other things, tells me that I have to hurry up before something bad happens.

Since I can choose new perk, I decided to search for something useful in the perks list.


Iron skin: the ability to temporarily convert the composition of the skin of the user into iron.

well fed: In the event that the owner's belly is full, a 100% increase in the regeneration metal.

Inventor: Increase the effectiveness of both the skill of territory creation and item construction.

Who needs oxygen? I: The first level gives the ability to breathe underwater.

Concealment: the ability to prevent others from knowing the true amount of your magical power, enhancing the skill of being concealment.

Animal Friend: Animals and phantasm species do not attack you if you do not provoke them.

Battle Crazy: The more damage the owner receives in battle, the more statistic he increases.

The third eye: Having a third eye in the middle of your forehead gives you a certain level of prediction and an increase in perception.

The Enemy of the Spirits: an increase in damage against spiritual creatures such as ghosts, whose attacks have a conceptual feature.]

I chose the enemy of the spirits, for every other perks, each one either has side effects or it does not suit me, such as a crazy fight which requires me to receive damage while my style requires that I avoid damage, or iron skin, which is a useless skill because I can destroy iron with a single punch And, with my choice of one perk now, I can choose two features at a later time.

I quickly closed my case and I turned around facing the guest iron that appeared in the room. He was a man with a red pimple and black hair with demonic merits.

"Mephisto!" I calmly said when I got to know him.

Mephisto smiled with amusement, "Yes, it is me! Surprisingly, you got to know me in my current form, I really hope I can stay like this but ... I'm not here for this."

"..." I looked at him without speaking or showing any expression, unlike the last time I saw him, Mephisto was very different, not only his voice and appearance, but his personality as well.

"Anyway, I just want to thank you before I kill you, after all, without your help, maybe no one will be able to kill my six sins, and therefore, I will never be able to complete my rituals." He said while he close one eye and left one eye open.

"What do you mean?" I asked her without any expression on my face.

"Oh, in order to answer your question, I have to go back 2,000 years ago from now, before I seal myself, I prepared special rituals that depend on making six sins to wreak havoc on earth only to be killed by a hero, and after killing them from someone, the ritual will be completed and the end result is that I will be transferred to the seventh sin ... pride, and now ... all thanks to you, I am really thankful to you. "

"The problem is, although I am currently the most powerful entity in the world, thanks to you, of course, I still have to do many things before I can become the true God of this world." He was silent and looked at me for several seconds, "Won't you ask me what I'm planning to do?"

I sighed while I noticed that Mephisto was completely changed from his serious character that he had six years ago, "So what's your plan?"

He laughed "two plans in reality. The first is to start the age of the gods again because the mystery in this era seems to disappear in any second, the second is to kill you and all your family in order to recover my energy that has been transmitted in your family bloodline for a while, only by way of Reclaiming 0.00001% of my power that in your family, I can feel complete again. "

I looked at him coldly and pulled out several knives from my inventory.

"What? Do you think you can beat me?" Mephisto said lightly and after one moment his shape changed completely, his skin became white and he had two big demonic horns over his head while he was wearing a long black robe and floating his body several centimeters from the surface of the earth: "You really are an idiot!"