
chapter 42

In the conference room in the clock tower, there was a large round table around chairs enough to hold tens of people, of course, most of these seats were currently full, regardless of a few few seats.

There were several important people in the supernatural world from all sides of the world, only a few people did not attend this meeting.

The first is the director of mage Association, The Person of the highest position in the Clock Tower and one of the disciples of Solomon, "The Director" has been the same person for the two thousand years since the founding of the Association, and because of this is thought to be something more than human.

The second is Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg, is one of five living Magicians capable of True Magic beyond modern science or Magecraft. He has numerous nicknames, including Zelretch the Wizard Marshall, He has control over the Second Magic, "Kaleidoscope", which allows for the "Operation of Parallel Worlds.".

The third person is Aoko Aozaki, the fifth magician who has control of the fifth magic and time travel operations, not only that she did not come, it is only that she was not invited, instead her older sister touko Aozaki was here.

There was also Barthomeloi Lorelei, the supreme mage of modern era and deputy director of the mage Association, it was she who presided over this meeting and personally sent out invitations to all present.

There were also the twelve lords of the clock tower, Touko Aozaki, many interested persons from both the Temple of Atlas and the Roving Sea, and many eastern and western Thaumaturgy schools, so that the church sent its own representative.

This meeting was organized to discuss a global event that occurred several days ago, more specifically, 6 days ago.

"Hello, and thank you for accepting all of my invitation." Lorelai stood up and said in a cool expression, "My name is barthomeloi Lorelai, and I'm the one who invite you, you can call me Ms. Barthomeloi, I'm the deputy director of the mage Association, and I'm the one who invited you all."

Everyone remained silent, barthomeloi was a very well-known person in the Magus community, her introduction to herself was just a problematic, unimportant measure in order to give a starting point for the meeting.

"Now, I hope that we temporarily leave our past differences in order to discuss more important issues. Nearly 147 hours from now, all magical energy monitors in all our branches have discovered the emergence of a high level of magical energy in the North Atlantic, more specifically on an island. belle le is an island in the Gulf of Gasconia. "

Barthomeloi grabbed a rare magic tool used between top levels to display events previously recorded as realistic 3D projections, after turning them on and pushing them in the middle of the table.

The tool started showing a recording of a creature with a black robe and antlers above his head fighting against a knight with a metal armor embossed in runes with a spear.

As the device continued to display the recording, Barthomeloi Lorelai began to speak again "We believe that the source of magical energy is this creature, whom we discovered from their conversation that its name is Mephisto."

"Sorry!" A member of the China Magus organization spoke, "Before we get to this superficial information, I think you should give us information about the identity of these two people too!"

A representative of Magus Middle East said, "While I want to know this too, I am more interested because there is such a creature in this world."

"For this, I think the wondering sea representative will lead the conversation now," Barthomeloi said before sitting down.

"Hi." A man with long red hair stood with a smile on his face, but it seemed to be wrong with him. "I am Kurou Adashino, I am not a member of the wandering sea but I was appointed to represent them among you, and also, at that time I was lucky to be In Quiberon, when I discovered magical energy, I sent my mate to explore, and I was able to discover a few things, in addition to the information I received from the wandering sea. "

"I know you, you are Dr. heartless." The Middle East representative said aggressively in his voice.

"My reputation seems to precede me, I am surprised that someone in your center knows me," Kurou said with a smile.

"You killed my son!" The Middle East representative said with a shout-like tone as he stood up.

"Please lower your voice!" Barthomeloi suddenly interfered, the Middle East representative closed his eyes to calm himself and sat again.

"In any case, it seems that this creature called ... Mephisto, is what is called evil of men, and it is also a divine spirit in its initial form. As for the armored knight, it is apparently just a human being, and it is not known how he could Fighting against this monster. "

"And how can a divine spirit exist in this world?" A representative of the Japanese Imperial Army asked.

"According to my information, it seems that he became a divine spirit not long ago, so he is in this world without any taxes."

"I see," said the representative of China, "Do you not have any information on this .... Knight? Or are you hiding information from us?"

"* Cough ** cough *" Church representative, kirei Kotomine, coughed to gain attention.

"The church has already gathered some information about it," said kirei Kotomine while throwing a dossier toward Barthomeloi Lorelei.

"According to our intelligence, we don't have any 'real' information about his identity, as he disguises the face of Alex Sheen, who is an American civilian, however, the first piece of information about him is that he was the one who killed the dragon who destroyed Tidjikja, before he kill New York City reaper. and hunting a phantasm beast in South America, was present in Greece and it seems that whoever ended the spread of the curse, regardless of this information we do not know anything. "

"So we don't even know his name?" Atlas representative asked.

"No," kirei said with his strange smile, "but because his armor is like a skeleton, we gave him a rank in red, with the code name ... skeletron!"