
chapter 46

Despite my willingness to confront angra mainyu 'all the evils of the world', I still have to do a few things before that, such as brainwashing the residents of the Ryoudou temple and getting them to leave.

This was not really challenging, as I could have used mental overlap and hypnosis to control the entire population similar to what I and medea had done in the previous Holy Grail War, and they made them all leave the mountain towards Fuyuki.

I also got to know Souichirou Kuzuki but I wasn't really interested in him, the only reason he was able to 'defeat' Arturia Pendragon in the Fifth Holy Grail War was because of Medea's extraordinary boost and because Saber was not using Excalibur, of course his fighting style played a Important role, but that's it, he didn't have any kind of martial arts, magecraft, or mystic codes that I might be interested in.

After doing all this, I began the ritual summoning of all evil in the world, angra mainyu, although I call these rituals 'summoninh' but the correct meaning is 'forced release' because what I will do is very similar to how a doctor abortes a child from the belly of a woman.

Although angra mainyu is a heroic spirit registered to the throne of heroes, after being summoned in the third Holy Grail War and his death, the Holy Grail recognized the villagers' wishes as 'wish' and began turning angra mainyu into the embodiment of all evil in the world but to do With this the angra mainyu became the 'baby' of the Holy Grail, and it can no longer be called normally.

Even angra mainyu himself cannot go out before another person's wish is granted, so that the essence of the Holy Grail Justeaze Lizrich von Einzbern cannot drive him out, that is why I am excluding him exclusively, with the help of my knowledge in spiritual summoning and both the book Avesta and the Dark Grail , I did successfully summon angra mainyu.

In front of the greater grail angra mainyu began to form, its size resembled the greater Grail while it appeared to be a red arachnoid with multiple eyes and an inverted shape trapped inside a transparent red cocoon.

Angra mainyu unleashed a noisy moan as if he woke up from a deep slumber just now and stretched his hands to the side tearing the cocoon that was holding him, while at the same time changing his shape to a much smaller version, to my own shape, with the difference being that angra mainyu possesses black skin and White hair.

Seeing this, it was strange to see someone else who has your shape, but I was not surprised or shocked because even as a heroic spirit he did not possess a form of his own, and as an entity that represents the evil of the world, I do not expect that he will get a shape, I used each of the opponent strength And medium awareness of the enemies in order to measure his strength.

[true name: "angra mainyu".

type: evil of men.

Source: Zoroastrianism.

Region: ancient persia.

alignment: chaotic evil.

hidden attribute: beast.


strength: C++.

endurance: A.

agility: A +++.

Mana: EX.

Luck: E +.


Class skills:

Authority of beasts (C)

independent manifestation (C)

Avenger (A)

memory correction (A)

Personal skills:

eternal regeneration (A +++)

Tawrich: Left Fang Grinder (A)

Zarich: Right Fang Grinder (A)

Annihilation wish (A)

the eye of the mind (false) (C)

Divinity (E)


Angra Mainyu: All the World's Evil (EX)

Verg Avesta (D)]

I looked at his stats and found that just as I expected, while his power was greatly enhanced after he became evil of men but he is still weaker than other beasts because he was the weakest heroic spirit before that, now, perhaps he can be compared to a first-class server.

"Victor von Doom!" Angra mainyu looked at me with 20 meters between us, "so you decided to make me your next target?"

"I am not gay, Angry Matthew" I told him with a sarcastic smile "and I'm here to kill you"

"Angry Matthew, I love this name," he said while Tawrich and Zarich appeared in his hands.

I took out gae buidhe and started fighting, while I was fighting defensively by avoiding and intercepting his attacks, he was targeting my vital areas with deadly attacks.

He jumped several meters and threw Tawrich and Zarich as projectiles in my direction, while their speed was faster than the speed of tossing Gilgamesh's weapons from the Babylon Gate, but I could calculate their path while my body instinctively responded and avoided them by jumping in the air And bend my body in a way that my body passes between Zarich and Tawrich.

When the blades passed by me several meters away they changed their course and again turned toward me, but their number doubled to four separate blades.

Argos! I created a magic wall to stop the angra mainyu blades, no matter how fast or how tough they are, I don't think they can penetrate argos, a protective spell that has the toughness of Heracles' skin.

While Tawrichs and Zarichs couldn't penetrate argos, angra mainyu approached me from the side with his super speed and tried to punch me, but before he could touch me, I used Trofa to teleport behind him, grabbed him from his shoulders and threw him in the opposite direction of the Greater grail, the entrance to the cave, I don't want Justeaze Lizrich von Einzbern to be hurt by our fight, it will be mean, and I don't want her to refuse to fulfill my wish after I win the Holy Grail War.

When angra mainyu was thrown out of the cup I used Trofa to teleport behind his flying body and kicked it enough to throw it several tens of meters above the ground.

I used Trofa again to teleport above it in the sky and punched it with both fists, causing it to be thrown towards the Earth with high momentum and speed.

Because Alaya gives me infinite magical energy which is only possible through the third magic, I could currently use the true magic related to teleportation freely without worrying about depleting prana.

And while teleportation for short distances does not cause any problem, teleportation fot medium distances can cause nausea and headache, and in medea notes it was said that it is unhealthy to open the eyes when teleportation for long distances.

I waited until he stood up, and while he had multiple injuries and scratches, they were quickly healed, perhaps this is one of his abilities as 'all world's evil'.

"It seems you are not as strong as you should be, angry Mathew," I said to him.

"Oh Victor, you didn't see me in my weakest state," he said, with a sarcastic smile, because his shape looked like me, even his smile resembled me.

"Hey, really ?! Can you be weaker ?!" I told him I was surprised in a fake way.

"Yes of course, this is one of the things that I was proud of before, I am the weakest heroic spirit in existence!" He said while he proudly punched his chest.

I was about to say something again but zarichs and Tawrichs who now numbered eight, while two of them stopped in the hand of angra mainyu but the remaining six turned towards me, I used argos to stop them, and after they couldn't break through the barrier they faded away In particles of red light.

I immediately removed gae buidhe from my inventory again and engaged in a close fight with him. After a while, I found a hole in his style and tried to hit his neck with gae buidhe but he used Tawrich and Zarich to push my spear up, but I inserted my spear into my inventory I grabbed Zarich and Tawrich and pulled them out of his hands, my hands moved quickly and I cut his chest in an X shape.

"Verg Avesta!" Angra mainyu said after going back, I felt the pain as if my chest was also cut off, but magic resistance A denied this effect in a few seconds.

"Really angry Mathew ?! It's stupid to try to use a simple curse to share damage against me," I said to him in a neutral way, fortunately my magical resistance is in grade A because of my Dragon core.

"You're right," he said while nodding, "I didn't want to use this, but it seems you have to face my special attack!"

"You own a special attack ?!" I told him while I held my head to the side.

"That's right, here it is! My special attack called ... Escape !!" He said as he turned to the opposite side of me and started running at full speed.

My eyes expanded in shock, I did not expect him to escape, especially since he is a beast now, but I think it does not matter if he is a beast or a heroic spirit, it seems that the weakest heroic spirit, or now, the weakest evil of men, has decided to escape.

"Alaya, it seems that our beast has decided to run away with his tail between his legs." I chased after him and did not wait for Alaya's answer.

I was trying to get close to him but he was moving away gradually because his speed was higher than the speed, when seeing that he would run away, which I don't want because I want to please my boss, I immediately threw Rain of light: Machia Hecatia Graea continuously for 10 seconds on Least before stopping.

When the smoke due to my attack cleared, angra mainyu was injured and mowed like a cockroach, it was not comforting that he looked exactly like me, before I could say anything angra mainyu said "Angra Mainyu: All the World's Evil!"

His whole body turned into black clay and began to multiply and grow at an enormous speed, seeing this I retreated in order not to touch me this clay but I stopped because of a piece of orders that alaya send me, I should not let this clay continue to expand under any case .

I directed my hand to the sky and used my magic energy, which expanded rapidly and surrounded the area in a circle with a diameter of 300 meters, my magic energy analyzed everything that passed through it and I used this information to build a fake reality marble separate from the ordinary world, while I By inserting the black clay into it with me too, I've created an illusion barrier.

And while I prevented the black clay from reaching the outside world, I also prevented myself from the possibility of escaping from it as well, and it seemed that the black clay acquired intelligence of some kind and approached me with great speed and surrounded me, it seems as if the space around it has been distorted for the sake to Give it that speed, then sucked inside the mud.

I lost consciousness for a while, but when I woke up again I was on the street I was 9 years ago when medea died, I tried to use my magic energy and summon my Noble phantasms but I couldn't, I couldn't interact with anything or a person, These abilities are not stolen from me, I was currently in a dream world, it was not difficult to know this because the Inverted Moon of the Heavens is in the sky.

Without being able to do anything, I just watched, and over and over, I watched as Gilgamesh kills medea, over and over, she get killed in a different way, and with each time it becomes more brutal and bloody the ways she dies.

While I know that this is just an illusion, it was affecting me, especially when these methods began to become more brutal, and I could only wonder if this was the way she died.

"Isn't this terrible, Victor ?!" I heard a female voice behind me, I just turned around to find it a medea, no, it's angra mainyu taking the form of medea.

"Angry Matthew, you don't think you can influence me like this, do you?"

"No," he said to me as he approached me.

"Victor, I am here to give you one last chance, as long as you give up trying to kill me, I will be happy to fulfill your wish," she said to me while she touched my face, take it softly with her hand.

I put my hand on her hand and closed my eyes while feeling her hand feeling. This was familiar, "My wish?"

"I am good in reading feelings, Victor, and I have been watching you for a long time. I can summon medea for you, real, not fake like me."

I ignored his words for a moment, it is a great offer, but I have a job to do, a war to win, someone to bring back to life, a sister to return to, and someone to take revenge on, and also, a boss I don't want to upset.

On the other hand, in order to fulfill my wish I must let him go back into the grail, and while I want Medea to return as soon as possible, angra mainyu fulfills aspirations in tortuous ways, and also, I am not stupid, because that will cause the end of the world , The end of humanity.

"I want you to know something."

"What?" She said.

"While you were making me watch medea die time and time again, I was able to communicate with a small part of my prana."

His eyes expanded for a moment, but before he could do anything, I communicated with my prana through a high-speed divine world in order to launch a flame spell with the purpose of burning the black mud that surrounds my real body. After doing this I woke up and it seemed that the black clay had spat me out.

I used medea's spell to fly and I saw that the mud had covered half of the illusion barrier. If it continued to expand, it could cross the illusion barrier due to the attribute of space.

I activate my mystic eyes of death perception in order to discover the lines of the death of the black mud, and then I directed Envy: "Envy: A blade that cuts the world!"

I cut several death lines in one attack. It was impossible to resist the force of the envy, not because of its speed or strength, but because it ignored all capabilities and defenses because of its cutting force that cuts the world itself.

I used envy to cut all the death lines connected to the black mud that I could see, and after doing so I gathered the remains of the black mud and formed angra mainyu which is still using my shape.

I canceled Envy, took out rhongomyniad and stood 70 meters from Angra mainyu, who was looking at me with a mixture of anger and fear.

"Why ?! I was ready to give you a wish! Why did you refuse ..."

"The truth? Because you took the form of medea, and because I'm not stupid, but there is one last reason, do you want to know?" I interrupted him quickly.

"What?" He said with questions, while still angry.

"Alaya sends her regards." I told him I coolly and, before he answered, I made my move "rhongomyniad!"