
chapter 48

After I received the seals of the order seals from the Holy Grail, I did not rush to summon Medea, I wanted it but I waited 9 years already, a few weeks would make no difference.

I started studying and analyzing the Holy Grail itself, and studying its rules and limits. The Holy Grail was similar to an operating system that runs a specific game, the Holy Grail War, and like any game it has its own rules and rewards, there were many rules and safety walls But thanks to item construction EX-Rank it was not difficult to get past these walls and manipulate the rules.

Regardless of the operation of the safety wall in order to transform the regular holy grail war, where seven masters and seven servants fight to death into the Great Holy Grail war where there are two teams with seven servants in each division, while it requires the death of 14 servants in order to achieve a heavens feel except I can come up with several solutions.

I also added several rules, such as that I added the saint graph function, in this way even if a servant dies in this war and he is summoned in the next war, he will be able to remember this war as the Holy Grail itself will save its data and memories.

I have also increased the knowledge that the Holy Grail gives to the servants who are summoned. It will be unfortunate for my team to turn against each other before we even start fighting the other team, so I made the servants explain what is the difference between this war and previous wars.

I also secured my own team, I identified Hercules and illyasviel von Einzbern as members of my team, the black team, because Heracles was summoned before I changed the rules I could have withdrawn into my team, Hercules could be a strong ally while illyasviel is the daughter of Kiritsugu I don't really care about this, but I am interested in how she has so many magic circuits without ever being subjected to immediate death, I may be able to increase the number of my circuits, and perhaps even extend her life a little in return.

The second master that I have chosen is Bazett Fraga McRemitz, she has been my companion in arms before and she is also very strong for a human, do not forget that she owns a sorcery trait from the era of gods, god's Holders in addition to fragarach, nor do I think that Cú Chulainn would be useless Like Lancer in the Fourth Holy Grail War.

The third master in my team will be Shinji Matou, between him and Sakura who did not know anything about magecraft, I choose him as an assassin master, his servant's identity will be random if he does not use a catalyst but I think this is better, just as he is not the coward teenager we all know And hate.

As for Rider's master, I didn't choose anyone because I didn't have anyone in my mind, so the Holy Grail might pick any random person, although I believe that Justeaze will pick a beneficial person for me after I saved her from angra mainyu.

As for the other team, the red team, I did not interfere in it because I could not, the manipulation of the balance of power may lead to the automatic failure of the ritual, and while it was giving me a lateral organization, the manipulation of the other side would harm the balance, and balance is necessary for the sake of Something, meditation, channeling my inner Thanos...

As for the servant that I will call, I will call three servers, the first one will be my caster, Princess of Colchis medea, it's not only that I've been waiting only 10 years for this but I love her too, I can remember her soft hand touch, softness of her voice, her soft purple hair and Her pretty face, her kindness to me, and while she may not remember me normally, I can only use one small wish for this, although I am not sure that she will treat me kindly because I have grown up to be a handsome person, I remember she hates handsome men.

The second servant would be Arturia Pendragon, saber, not the heroic spirit from the throne of heroes but the heroic spirit within Avalon, not only is she a very powerful servant if she is not holding back, but she also has Excalibur the most powerful holy sword, and I will be able to study the invisible Air, while I can make Artificial Noble phantasm similar to it if I really try, but studying the original will make it easier.

The third servant would be Archer, I was thinking of manipulating the rules and summoning Gilgamesh in a female body, this would be a great way to humiliate him but I think it is stupid to have a servant who tends to betray me, I wanted a servant who was loyal to me, the servant that I thought of was Arash, The same servant who made the oxus river in his lifetime, while his NP is a suicide attack but I think he can teach me Bow and Arrow creation.

Because I killed angra mainyu, kirei kotomine died because angra mainyu could no longer keep him alive anymore, yet Gilgamesh did not die because he was relying on kirei as just a ship, he must have signed a contract with another person, because of this it seems that he does not die...I can still relish my revenge.

I also manipulated the grail in order to create special recall rites in order to summon the servant in his 'strongest shape', this means that the servant on which I use this recall rite will have the parameters at the highest level he can get, with all the skills he can get, while NP is still restricted according to the class, I did not intend to use these rituals on Arturia or Arash, only Media, because the last time she died in one second against Gilgamesh, and I do not want her to die again, but not as if I will separate from her again.

There are still many months before the Great Grail War begins, but I decided to call my servants now, so I drew three summoning circles on the ground, two of them are alike while the third is different, the different circle is the one that will respond to the special summoning chant, while the normal summoning circles will be desirable for the chant chant normally.

I put medea's skull in the middle of the special summons, while I am not happy with the fact that I am defiling Medea's body, but I have to use it in order to make sure that I do not call medea lily in an accident, this will be very embarrassing.

As for Artoria, I could have used rhongomyniad but lancer might be called because of that, and while I think she's great, I only want to remove artoria from Avalon so I temporarily removed Avalon from my chest.

As for Arash, I used a piece of his armor that I borrowed from Lore College from the clock tower. I had to provide a reason for doing this but I said that I would participate in the Holy Grail War. This was not something that should be hidden because everyone knows that I participated in the fourth Holy Grail War. .

Also, it is not as if the clock tower will publish this news, some failed Mages may sell it in exchange for some resources, except that Mages are people who care about their reputation inside the clock tower and trying to make enemies with a 'genius' and enforcer is just stupidity, especially since there is a possibility That this person will survive and take revenge.

Anyway, before I starting the summoning rituals, I took out a fairy cloud and put it in my hand, I breathed deeply before I spoke "I hope, if I summoned the Princess of Colchis, Medea, that she will be able to remember what happened in the Fourth Holy Grail War That happened 10 years ago and in this timeline. "

The cloud glowed in a golden light for a few moments before it decreased a little in size, seeing this I smiled, it seems that this cloud was not useless after all, I have one small wish and I think it will be beneficial in the future, for some reason I have this sixth sense that I should save it, so I put it in my storage before I stand between the three summoning circles, extend my left hand forward, and start the summoning ritual.

"You who fell once before, I am who still standing here is calling you,

Follow my prayers, my determination will shape your body, and your strength will shape my future,

If your quest for the Holy Grail is to ascend and not to fall, obey my reasons and my will, ... "

The three summoning circles began to glow in bright white magic energy.

"With my oath to you, I shall be all the good in the world, and I shall destroy all evil in the world,

If you wished to be my sword and shield, obey my call! "

In a bright explosion of white light three characters were formed, in front of me there was a beautiful woman who looked like from a fairy tale with purple hair and a mysterious blue robe, a blonde teenage girl wearing a blue dress with a knight's armor, and a man with a bright smile wearing a blue armor .

I resisted the urge to say anything and used my abilities as a master to see their condition, just to make sure nothing went wrong.

[true name: Medea.

Class: Caster.


Strength: E+

endurance: D

agility: C

Mana: A +

Luck: A


Class skills:

Item construction (A)

territory creation (A)

personal skills:

High-Speed ​​Divine Words (A)

golden fleece (EX)

Teaching of circe (A)

poison resistance (A)

divinity (C)

Noble phantasms:

rule breaker (C)

pain breaker (C)

argon coin (N / A)]

[true name: Arash.

class: Archer.


strength: B

endurance: A

agility: B +

mana: E

luck: D

NP: B ++

Class skills:

magic resistance (C)

independent-action (C)

personal skills:

rebuls health (EX)

clairvoyant (A)

bow and arrow creation (A)


Stella (B ++)]

[true name: Arturia Pendragon.

class: Saber.


strength: A

endurance: A

agility: A

mana: A

luck: A +

NP: A ++

class skills:

magic resistance (A)

Riding (B)

personal skills:

charisma (B)

mana burst (A)

instinct (A)


Excalibur (A ++)

Invisible Air (C)]

Seeing this, I smiled comfortably, it seems that medea was in her 'peak' really, unfortunately it is not eligible for other classes like assassin or Avenger otherwise it will be able to acquire many additional skills, and it seems that she has also acquired her younger version skills as well as pain breaker, as for Arash, he is at its peak, it seems, because as an archer, he is less affected by the system of classes. As for Artoria, she is stronger than she was in her life, it seems, perhaps because I am a qualified master.

They were confused, but like any servant, they said in one man's voice, "Are you my master?"

"No!" I said , I really want to hug medea now, but it seems I have to wait, "luke, I am your father!"