A girl named Evalyn. She goes by Evie for a few of her friends. The ones she lost, but not for forever. Funny, how you can lose friends simply by going to another school. Many others know this feeling. She loved school, though. This young girl loved school for few reasons, the main two being her friends and the escape. The escape isn't a school pep rally or event, but school was a true escape from her home. She wasn't treated badly by her parents, although they are the reason she feels this way. They never had intentions of this, though. She has always loved her parents. Her mother was good to her, and her father was someone she looked up to. She used to look up to anyway. Her father had and made several friends, and he introduced her to many of them while her mother loved to secretly record her when she was doing something and usually post it on facebook along with taking pictures of her. Occasionally, she would realize that her mother was recording, and she'd make her delete it immediately. Several people twnd to put her on a pedestal, thinking she was amazing, smart, talented, or mature for her age. When really, she was just a regular person, who cared about grades and wanted to get along with everyone. She developed insticts to get along with people older than her, and tried her best with younger ones. She never liked being alone, for fear that something would happen to her. Although, she did like taking walks by herself. She liked to tune out the world sometimes with music. I know I just told you she didn't like to be alone, but when she listened to music, she felt like she wasn't alone, in a good way. When she was alone and it was quiet, she felt something staring at her. It was a negative feeling, like someonenwas waiting and watching for the right moment. Occasionally, she would also hear sounds of things falling or footsteps. She had read that cats were ancient gardians that would protect you from bad spirits or gods. She trusted in this, and got a small plush cat she named Muffin. It gave her something to squeeze when she was scared. She wouldn't take him everywhere, though. She only slept with the plush cat. She couldn't sleep without music either. This was a burden on her life, and often lead to her crying herself to sleep, or lying awake thinking of what could be behind her. She was always afraid of what could be stalking. This is where her story ends. Or is it where her light begins? Light and Darkness both cease to exist without the other, after all.