The phone call.

Meanwhile,  In a luxurious room's large bed was sleeping a girl covered in her fluffy pink blanket only her brown wavy hair visible..

'Tringgg.... Tringgg.... Tringgg..... ' Rang the alarm at it's full volume. Her face still covered with the blanket she was moving her hand towards the ringing alarm to stop it's irritating noise.

"Ahhh... This noise pollution .. whoever invented this peice of shit should die hundred more times in hell..." she cursed in her sleepy voice... and shut the alarm off.

"Hmm peaceful.... Back to my dreamland..." she said in between her yawns and dozzed off.

Again something rang but this time it was her phone...  "Ahh.. not again.. i hope this is important otherwise you will be crashed baby". she mumbled again finding her phone with her hands out. " Gotcha."  she said sliding her hand inside her blanket to look at the caller ID.

"Eva...!!!" she shreiked and woke up immediately while answering the phone.

"Hello bunny, still in dreamy land?." Came a calm yet excited voice from the other side of the phone.

"Yea was about to eat those huge packets of chips and the fries with mayonease and ohh that mountain of chocolates...." she sighed.

" Ohh dear, i thought you already ate that mountain and only it's peak was remaining, so sad.." chuckled the girl on another line.

"All thanks to you." she said in a sarcastic tone. "Anyways what made you call me this early?"

"Mam this is not at all early it's already 11 in the morning." said Eva "I called you to tell you that I've been selected for the next Spring Couture fashion week!!" she screamed with excitement.

"What.....???? Oohhhh myyy god...!!! They didn't look at you clearly, did they???" Mia asked in a teasing tone.

"Excuse me, you are talking about the next super model of Germany.." said Eva in a proud tone.

"Ohh poor Spring Couture". Mia teased again. "Kidding girl!!.. where are you?? we need to celebrate this.."

"Yes that is a treat from me ofcourse.." said Eva. " I'll text you the location of this club, and don't be late..!!"

"Yea, sure text me fast and let me complete my dream first. Bye!! See you at the club." Mia hung up the phone immediately.

A message popped on her screen.

'Baby Giraffe': Magenta club, see you @ 8:00 ;) Don't be late..!!

"Alright see you tonight!! ;). she quickly replied and again went back to sleep.