The D day!!

It was 9 in the morning when Eva got ready to leave for Harley International. The girl left a note on the bedside table for Mia and left her room. Lea had prepared salad she quickly fed her daughter with her hands. Eva left her villa in a hurry.

10:00 AM

Mia woke up rubbing her eyes and saw a handwritten note on the bedside table. 'Appointment's at 3 don't be late for the event, Lova Ya<3.' Mia smiled at the note and took a shower and went for breakfast.

It was quite a busy day for Eva while Mia just sat in her room so she decided to have lunch somewhere out. She soon found a cafe just few meters away from Eiffel tower. She took a seat near the window from where she can have a beautiful view of the tower.

She ordered some pasta, risotto and garlic bread and some lemon water to complete her meal. Mia was a foodie but was quite picky of her food she never compromised over the taste of food. Licking her lips the girl rubbed her belly and gave the cafe a thumbs up.

Only an hour left so she checked the time, quickly paid the bill and left for salon. There wasn't much traffic so she reached there within 20 minutes. The Salon's owner greeted her and started to work out on her look. There were 5 people in total, two working on her hair while the other doing her makeup. When her final look was ready it was already 7 in the evening. "Woah!! Ma'am you just look stunning." Gasped the stylists who did Mia's makeup. Mia looked at herself in the mirror and smiled at herself looking at her own reflection. "Thank you soo much for this look." she said happily twirling like a small kid. And soon left for the venue of the event.


Eva was all ready for her ramp walk sitting in her green room. As she was going to walk with Eddy she was automatically the last one to walk on the ramp and was quite nervous. Not because of Eddy but because of this event, it was her dream to work under the roof of Harley International and walk the ramp.

"Ma'am the show will be starting in 10 minutes." informed the assistant. 'Ding' her phone rang and a text popped on the screen.

'Just reached, see you soon on the ramp. Best of luck..' It was her Bunny's text. Eva smiled looking at her phone and kept inside her clutch.

Mia was escorted along with Lea by the team towards their seats. The VIP seats were only booked for the close ones of the performers and the important guests. While they were being escorted everybody gasped at the beautiful girl in shock.

Wearing a black fish cut gown with glittery mermaid scales in the end. Her deep V cut making her cleavage visible and sharp collar bones adding to her beauty. Her eyes were made smokey with some flakes of glitter on her crease. Her contoured face just complimented her soft features while her lips were in nude shade. She wore a bracelet which had black stones embedded in it and a single stoned ring matching with the bracelet and matching earings.

She wore black glittery stilletos and an anklet on her left leg. Her hair loosely tied with extensions falling all the way on her back. She looked just gorgeous many eyes were just on her.

Soon the lights went off and only yellow spotlights were on the stage infront of them. The host announced that the show has begun and several models with heir respective partners walked beautifully on the ramp. Different styles of different country were being showcased with a beautiful couture work in different styles on the outfits and the matching jewellery on the outfits. The theme was of vibrant colors.

"Look at her she looks so amazing!" Lea whispered.

"Yes mommy and I love their confidence the way they smile infront of soo many people." Mia spoke, her eyes still glued on the stage.

"Look at that guy he looks cute." Lea winked at Mia.

"But he's not my type mommy." Mia said rolling her eyes.

"Who's asking about your type, he's my type." Lea chuckled. Mia laughed out at her Aunt's words. The ladies talked nonstop looking at the stage, criticizing everyone on the stage.

With few chairs gap sat a person in the same line along with manager on the left and Mr. Harley on his right. In a dark maroon tuxedo. His hair neatly parted sideways and cleaned polished shoes. His gorgeous brown eyes examining the models. His long fingers on his sexy lips. Alex was satisfied with the collaboration and the hardwork of both the companies. He heard people's hushed comments.

"Look at those earings oh my god I want to buy them." said a lady behind Alex.

"I would buy whole line of these outfits, they are just soo beautiful." said another lady.

"They are going crazy!! Mr. Johnson." Mr. Harley said with a wide smile on his face. He was proud of his company and the collaboration was just the icing on the cake.

"They will go more crazy by our surprise in the end." Alex gave him his usual smile and turned his gaze towards the stage again. The models kept walking, showing their outfits and their accessories.

The show was nearing the end and the two ladies were now a little nervous. "Ohh god when will she come?" Lea asked with an excitement she can't hold.

"She will be here any time soon mommy, don't worry." said Mia patting her aunt's shoulder while she herself was a bit nervous and excited at a same time.

Soon loud cheering and clapping sounds were heard behind them and they turned towards the stage. "OHHH MYYY GOD!!!" both exclaimed unison. Still not believing their eyes....