Welcome Home!!

Meanwhile, in Paris.

Mia and Eva did soo much shopping, leaving literally nothing in the shops. "This dress for brother, and this for mother, this for dad... and..." Mia said putting everything in her cart. Eva slapped her forehead looking helplessly at Mia.

"Baby, don't you think these can be enough for whole Belgium?" She spoke pointing towards the number of carts.

"These are nothing Evyy. Ohh God look at that!!! It's soo cute." The girl jumped happily looking at the baby pink hoodie which had a cute small donut print on the middle of it.

"This girl actually finds something related to food." Eva chuckled at Mia who was now putting the hoodie in the cart.

Mia pouted looking at the hoodie and gave Eva a look.

"Come let's eat it." Eva said laughing at her. She definitely knew Mia was craving for a donut now. They ate in the restaurant. After two more hours Mia finally paid the bill and left the store. Eva drove them towards the Villa.

It was evening and Mia was packing her stuff. Looking at the bags Mia sighed. "These are too much to carry." She said pouting her lips.

"Yeah, dear don't worry I'll let someone deliver these to you." Lea said patting her shoulder.

"Thank you soo much.. mommy." The girl hugged Lea who had tears in her eyes.

"And these are the waffles, your favourite Macarons and pastries." She continued pointing towards the boxes of various snacks.

"I'll miss you.." Mia pounced on Lea wiping her tears.

Lea patted her head lovingly. "Do visit mommy frequently."

"Hugging without me??" Eva asked pouncing on both of them.

They drove Mia to the airport to see her off. Hugging for a long time. She said in a hoarse voice. "I'll meet you soon babe."

"Yeah come quick." Mia said.

She hugged them for the 50th time after the final announcement and boarded the plane. The plane landed at 7 in the evening.

Mia waved at the butler who came to escort her. She entered her car and reached her home.

"Welcome Home!!."Her mother Margaret and Father greeted their daughter in a unison.

"Mom, dad..." Mia hugged both of them.

"My child how was your trip?" Her father asked patting her head

"Awesome dad I got you soo many things." She excitedly took out the gifts she brought for her family.

"Ohh child there was no need for these and first go freshen up." said her mother.

Mia ran towards her room upstairs. Locking her door behind.

"She's such a kid Mary.." Abraham said holding his wife's shoulder.

"Yeah just like you.." Margaret spoke chuckling at her husband.