A different happy.

Inside the room.

Mia was busy unpacking her stuff. "Ahem... Need any help?" Bryan said knocking on the door.

"Brother...." Mia shreiked pouncing on her brother. "You should have been there brother, the show was soo good.. You know Evyy killed it." Mia said happily.

"I know I've seen it on the newspaper." Bryan said patting his sister's head.

"Ohh right, see I've brought you a jacket I hope you like it. And...and also the perfume you wanted." Mia said pointing towards the bag full of stuff.

"Hey.. you know you didn't have to buy all these things." He said.

"No brother, I love buying gifts." The girl said smiling at him.

Mia was busy humming, taking out stuff from her bag. Bryan looked at his sister who seemed soo happy. She was always cheerful but this time she looked different.

"You look happy sis." He said smiling at her.

"Because, I'm happy bro.." the girl replied.

"No I mean you look a different happy." He added resting his chin on his hand.

"Different?" Mia gave him a confused look.

Bryan sighed at his dumb sister who did not understand such phrases. "Never mind Sis." He asked. "Sooo.. how was your trip? You enjoyed?"

"It was lovely brother, you know I think I should frequently visit Paris. Such a lovely, romantic place." Mia said smiling, thinking about the beautiful moments with Alex.

"Lovely and Romantic place?" The boy asked raising his eyebrows. This was the first time his sister said something like that. She always used to praise the food of the city.

"Ahem.. I mean yes the food is... Lovely there I ate soo much." She corrected smiling sheepishly.