Investigate about him.

Yes." Mia replied pursing her lips.

"I see my sister is no longer small." He smirked.

Because of Mia's love for food was more than anything in this world. She never actually paid attention to any guy in school or college. She wasn't even this much daring to ask a guy out for dance. These things were quite unbelievable for Bryan.

"Hmm.. and where was Eva all this time?" He asked.

"Ohh she was busy with that Eddy." She answered shrugging her shoulders.

Bryan widened his eyes in shock... "You both are unbelievable... You are fooling around with those two???"

"No brother, Eva is dating Eddy and me and Alex are just friends. I swear there's nothing between us." The girl said nodding her head in a denial.

"Listen Mia, those two are not only very famous and you know famous people also have their bad deeds especially that Eddy Anderson he is the number one playboy. I trust you and I also think you won't do anything which brings our family any shame." Bryan said holding her shoulders.

"I understand brother, I won't do anything." She gave her brother a look.

"Also ask Eva to not be in a serious thing with Eddy. And if you both want to be friends with them, then there's nothing wrong in it. But don't go beyond your limits." He spoke rubbing his sister's head.

"I will take care about that brother." The girl smiled weakly.

"Okay, now clear this mess and sleep." He said.

"Yes.... And brother please don't tell anything to mom and dad." Mia said pouting her lips.

"Don't worry." He said closing the door behind him.

Inside Bryan's room

Calling someone he spoke. "Find out everything about Alex Johnson."

"Wait till tomorrow." came a man's voice from the other line.

12:00 am

Mia was busy talking to Eva. "Yeah and tell mommy to take care."

"Babe are you okay?" Eva asked from the other line finding her friend's voice a bit low.

"Yeah, I'm okay it's just the flight and our shopping earlier I'm tired." Mia lied.

"Ohh okay then take some rest and I'll call you tomorrow. Byee.." Eva said

"Bubyee.." Mia said hanging up the phone.

Mia sighed, her brother's words still ringing in her ears. She unpacked her stuff and went to sleep. Thinking about Alex she let out a long sigh dozing off to sleep.