The doctor said No

Closing the door of the refrigerator she was about to leave when she saw someone standing at the door. "You scared me father." She complained.

"You are not eating anything?" Abraham asked looking at her with confusion. His daughter getting out of the kitchen empty handed was not at all acceptable.

"Yes I can't eat eggs, the doctor said no." She spoke.

"Why?" Father Abraham asked turning on the lights of the kitchen.

"Actually I met with an accident. But it's fine I'm safe." She pursed her lips.

"How?? And when?? Why didn't you called me or your brother?" Father barged with soo many questions.

"No it's not that big of an issue, just a little wound." She could not look at her father in the eye.

Coming close to her Abraham studied her wound. His surgeon mind told him that she had two stitches. 'How can this girl say it's fine?'

"Let's go to your room and show me the prescription." Father ordered.