Not even a kiss??

"Is he serious about you?? I swear I'll break his penis if he ever uses you..." Mia spoke crossing her hands over her chest.

"Baby just calm down... It wasn't him.. it was... It was.. Me" Eva spoke hesitantly lowering her head like a child caught red handed stealing candies from the shelf.

After seeing her friend's wierd expressions she explained the whole thing. ".... So you know that's how it started." The girl gave a long sigh.

"I never knew you will take such a huge step..." Mia nodded her head.

"You know in some situations we don't think about the consequences we just want to hold on to that precious moment, and we just feel that kind of trust that can never ever be broken.. And we do things, without giving it a reasoning." Eva spoke with warmth in her eyes.

Mia could not help but think about her moments with Alex and the trust was relatable. "I can agree on that.." she said nodding her head. "Soo my Evyy has now become a true lover." She gave Eva a warm hug.