
He was expecting the girl to be there but he wasn't sure about it because it wasn't possible to meet someone in such a place with lots of people. And she was actually one of the participants. ' The stars are in my favour.' he smiled looking at the coupon in his hand.

He touched the other end of coupon which was held by the girl. "Alyy?? What's wrong??" Perplexed Peter asked him, as he could not understand why his friend was caressing a mere peice of paper and smiling??

"Ahem.. nothing." Alex spoke realising how stupid he looked doing that. He impatiently waited for their order looking at the counter where Mia was constantly serving the orders. Smiling at the customers every now and then.

"How long are they gonna take??" He asked in an annoyed tone as he wanted to see her face again clearly and have a talk with the girl.

"Just two more numbers, and it will be our turn." Peter spoke.