
"Hii I actually wanted to know if you left already??" She bit her lips.

"Nope, soo you wanna join me??" The guy asked hiding all of his excitement. Ofcourse he heard the announcement and he badly wanted to enjoy some rides with her.

"Where are you?? I'll be there in 5 minutes." She started walking or more like sprinting.

"I'm near the dias."

Soon Mia reached the spot and they locked their eyes again... This time the duration was quite long. "Hello Miss Jones." Peter greeted hiding his grin.

"Ummm.. hii." The girl blushed as she was caught by Peter having an eye contact with his boss.

"Let's go to the rides." She spoke clearing the air of awkwardness.

"No actually....." Peter was about to reject but Alex covered his mouth and gave a cheeky smile. "Sure."

Ignoring the glaring Peter he dragged Mia towards the Rides section. "Rollercoaster." Mia poked Alex's waist like a kid which sent butterflies in his abdomen. Ecstasy filling his mind already.