Mia won Everyone's Heart

Everyone shouted the names of their teams. "And the winner is... Team Red!!!" The audience erupted with shrieks. While Mia could not process the news. Julie shook her and she almost had tears in her eyes everyone hugged each other.

Eva also got tears in her eyes for her friend's success which Eddy wiped side hugging her. Alex was also smiling looking at the little slow Mia. His heart was constantly beating fast as he clutched Peter's palm tightly. "Wtf!! Alex I'm straight.... Please leave my poor palm it cannot breathe...." Peter spoke in panic giving his boss a weird look.

As Mia reached the stage to recieve their prize from Alex she inhaled a large amount of air. Walking towards his direction she could not help but blush under his gaze. She took her hands out which were shivering from nervousness. "Congratulations... Miss Pizza." He spoke smiling at her lovingly.