Nightmare: Past & Future.

The two men talked till 4 and left for their homes. Alex could not help but think about what his friend told him. After taking a shower he crashed on the bed. Thinking about the moments in his head.

Her smile, her eyes, her lips pouting, her excitement and that light of liveliness in her eyes. Everything lingered in his mind till he fell asleep....

A young teenager walked in his home searching for something. "What are you looking for son??" Came a man's voice in mid forties.

"I can't find my bag dad." The young boy pouted.

"Is it this??" A lady in mid thirties spoke holding a bag in her hands.

"Yess... Thanks mama.." The boy spoke and took his bag from his mother. Running back to his camp.

The next thing which came into vision was his father leaning on his mother's legs. Asking her to stay back, to not leave them. While his 8 years old sister was crying badly on the couch.

"No mother don't leave us... Please...."