Their moment...

Turning the ignition of his car the man hurried towards his 'Father.' All the way through the drive the face of the girl flashed infront of his eyes. 


Back in 2010,  Greece.

"Noo don't kill me, please.." Screamed the girl in fear looking at the pointed gun towards her head. 

"Whoever betrays me gets killed girl." Spoke the man in black suit in his thunderous voice. 

"I'm sorry Jer... Please.. don't do this.. please.. I loved you." spoke the girl her tears trickling down her face. Her beautiful face now stained with tears. 

"There's love and then there's betrayal, if you get love keep it but if you get betrayal.. Kill her. Rick do it quickly we have a meeting to attend." Ordered the man in black his voice void of any emotions. 

"No please... No---"