The Invite.


Peter's place. 

The girl was sleeping calmly on the bed while the man entered the room with a tray of water and an egg in his hands. As soon as he kept the tray on the bedside table the girl opened her eyes. Her face swollen and eyes were red due to the continuous crying. She had a look of tiredness on her face. 

There were bags under her eyes which showed the girl didn't sleep well. Peter asked the maid to prepare some clothes for the girl as hers were not in the state to be worn. 

Anna sat up and didn't look at him as there was shame in her eyes. He felt very bad looking at the state of the girl. Soon tears started rolling down her eyes and the girl started whimpering. "You don't have to cry this much." Peter finally spoke. 

"Brother will be ashamed of me." She cried. 

"He will not. Trust me." The man assured the girl and patted her head. 

"How can you be soo sure?" She asked with a frown.