An Email from a Consumer..

Leaving her mother in shock the girl kept feeding herself. Thinking about something and nodding her head for a while Margaret got up from her seat and sat beside her daughter  Mia was confused, thinking her mother will shout on her or maybe worst slap her. Afterall no woman likes her daughter to be touched by a man.

As soon as the mother lifted her hand in air the girl widened her eyes in shock and backed a little to dodge the slap. But to her surprise her mother just patted her head. "My poor baby!! You could do soo much. Atleast you should take tips from me." Margaret spoke with a sad face. 

"You are not bothered that I kissed someone?" Mia asked in confusion. She wasn't expecting this reaction of her mother at all. 

"Why would I be honey?? You did what was right for you and trust me I feel that Alex is perfect for you." The woman patted the back of Mia's hand and smiled.