
The next morning. 

Anna was fast awake as she slept early due to the night's incident. The girl came out of her room scrutinizing the hall, looking at the servants suspiciously. Her breakfast was ready on the table as she came and sat on the chair. Glaring suspiciously at the maid who greeted her. "Yesterday night who was trying to scare me?" The girl asked. 

"What are you talking ma'am?" The maid hesitantly asked. 

"I heard someone shouting.." Anna spoke eating her cereal. She looked closely at the maid if she was lying. But the maid's expressions were genuine. "Alright you can continue your work." The girl added. 

All the maids were aware of the shouting woman in their house but were told to keep that away from Anna. Lying beautifully the maid continued her work leaving Anna all confused and a little scared. "Wait!! Do you think there could be ghosts in our house?" She asked the maid gulping in fear.