Love is in the air...

Punching her own head lightly the girl cursed herself. 'How come I always end up touching his that part??' she thought. 'Well atleast nobody knows this.' the girl sighed in relief. She consoled herself and got busy in checking her phone. When suddenly Eddy started laughing loudly while driving. The man held his stomach from one hand and got hold of the steering by the other. 

"What?? Why are you laughing this much." Eva asked crossing her hands. 

"You remember, when Peter shouted.. Pervert Spiri??" He still couldn't hold his laughter. Hearing the man Eva frowned in confusion while Mia gulped in nervousness. She tried to hear more clearly what the man had to say, inching closer to the man the girl heard. 

"Yeah I heard him say that, but what would have happened??" Eva wondered to which Eddy shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know.... But..." The couple then turned their heads back, giving Mia suspicious looks.