Never did any of this, never felt any of this....

But nor did the girl, she looked into his eyes without any hint of fear or hesitation. He took steady steps forward, trapping her by his arms, trying to pin her on the wall. Clareil maintained her posture, not even budging nor trying to escape. Rick was soo pissed, he was about to lose his mind when suddenly there was a knock on the door. 

"Come in!!" He yelled at the door. 

"Si--r.. there's actually a problem which needs your attention." One of the employee spoke in fear, he didn't even looked at the direction of Rick as he looked dead scary. His steps shaking, he gulped in fear when he saw the intimacy of the two. Several thoughts ran into his mind but he didn't dare to speak his thoughts out. 

"Bring that on my table." Rick ordered the girl who was standing straight in a very calm manner. 

Taking the file from the male employee's hands she approached towards the boss's table. Placing it nearly infront of him the girl spoke. "Do you need anything?"