Pain in Throat...

"You have to come with me somewhere." Jermaine answered. 

"Where?" Frowning deeper, Rick asked. He didn't want to leave Greece. 

"We are going to Brussels, so pack your stuff, we'll leave early in the morning." Jermaine spoke flipping the pages of the magazine, which he was least interested in. Hearing his boss's words, the man widened his eyes in shock. 

"Noo..." He shouted but as he saw the brows of the monster forming an arc, he gulped and changed to phrase. "I mean... We visited Brussels earlier, it's such a cold place. I-----." Finding no solid excuse he spoke. "I hate the wheather there." 

"It's summers there." Jermaine corrected the man, as he saw Rick wanting to say something, the man got up from his chair, fixing his tie. "Or are you telling me, that you're gonna miss your new hot assistant??"